Ch. 10

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Ch. 10: Boys

The next day, at a pretty early time, Niall came knocking on my door. He hurried me to get ready, then dragged me to his room. Inside, all the rest of the guys lay around the room doing their own things. Niall cleared his throat, and they all looked up.

"Hey, you're that girl from the restaurant!" Harry stated, pointing at me.

"The American." Said Liam, wiggling his eyebrows.

"Yeh, guys. This is Rachel. She's fun." Niall introduced me again, poking me in the side. He was such a goof. They'd already met me!

We hung around the guys for a while, eating breakfast and talking about the differences between the U.S. and England. Niall was quiet. I changed the subject to food, and he got loud again.

Hanging out with the boys was easy, and they were really nice. We even played a round of Mario Kart.

After finishing up a chat about the government in America, Niall and I left. We headed out, walking along the street. Niall told me he had a surprise day for me planned out.

• • • • •

"Welcome to stop number one, Madame Tussaud's Wax Museum!" Niall announced giddily, gesturing grandly at the entrance. I smiled broadly.

"Is there a wax you?" I teased.

"No. There's a wax Amy Winehouse, a wax Rihanna, a wax Marilyn Monroe, a wax Prince Harry, and a wax Queen. And tons more." He responded seriously, shaking his head. I looked at him for a minute, then cracked up.

We went in, chattering, and had an absolute blast posing goofily and snapping photos. My favorite had been the wax Rihanna, but Reilly was obsessed with Marilyn so I took loads of pictures of that one too.

When we left, we caught a cab to our next venue. Niall refused to tell me what it was, until we got out of the cab.

"Pleeeaaaassseeee teeelllll meeeeee!" I begged, making puppy dog eyes.

"For stop two, we're going paintballing." My face fell. Niall didn't seem to notice. I was really scared as we went in and got suited up in the chest plates and so forth. Shooting at stuff was Reilly's thing, not mine.

Playing paintball wasn't any fun. I was miserable. All I did was hide in the back to avoid being shot, and tried to keep an eye out for Niall.

After a while, I decided to head around the left wall of the course. I was wandering, gun at my hip, when out popped an enemy gunman. He raised his muzzle, training his sights on me. Just as he pulled the trigger, Niall jumped in and caught the bullet right smack in the center of his chest.

"You bastard!" I screamed, shooting the man repeatedly in the chest. He raised his hands in surrender, running off to the side where the 'dead' waited to be let in for another round. I crawled over to Niall.

"I would catch a grenade for ya..." He crooned softly as I knelt above him.

"Get up, Bruno Mars, you're dead." I smirked, pulling him to his feet.

"I just sacrificed my life for you, and that's all I get?" He joked, wiping at the orange paint splatter on his chest. I stood on my tiptoes and kissed him on the cheek.

"Thanks. Now, get outta here before you get in trouble." His face turned bright red. He nodded and ran off after the guy who shot him. I laughed.

The rest of paintball was okay after that, but I still wouldn't willingly volunteer to do it again.

"Alright, finally, stop three. Just an average pub." Niall said as we walked up to the cheery bar, holding the door open for me. It was starting to get dark out, and a little chilly, so the soft lights and warm air was inviting. I went in.

We sat around sipping beers, chatting with the bartenders and other patrons, and talking to each other. It was the most chill thing ever.

"I love this place. I don't think I've ever been in a legit pub before." I said, taking a swig from my beer mug. Niall's eyes widened.

"Are you serious? God, that's, like, Irish treason! Are you going to Ireland at all on your trip?" I nodded, and he looked slightly relieved.

"You've got to go to a pub in Ireland. English pubs haven't got nothing on Irish pubs. My personal favorite is The Corner House, in Mullingar. That's my hometown." He went on, seeming kind of homesick.

"Ireland is my last stop before I head home. I promise, Niall, that I'll hit a real Irish pub before I go." I rested my hand on his, looking him in the eye.

"I think we should make one last bonus stop today." He stated, smiling.

"To where?" I asked.

"You'll see."

He dragged me down a few blocks to a cute little shop entitled 'Primrose Bakery'. We headed in laughing and smiling.

There were so many flavors of cupcakes I thought I would have a stroke, and Niall was practically drooling.

I ended up ordering a malted marshmallow cupcake, and Niall got a cookies and cream one. We sat on a bench outside the shop, eating our cupcakes and talking.

"Do I have a frosting mustache?" I asked, licking my upper lip.

"No. Wanna try a bite of my cupcake?"

"Sure, want some of mine?" He nodded. We traded cupcakes, and I bit into his. It was delicious.

"Thanks for taking me around, Niall, this was really fun." He took a bite of my cupcake.

"Ah, it's no problem. I wanted to." He replied, and I blushed beet red. I looked up at him and saw he had some frosting by his mouth.

"You got a little something.... right... here." I leaned in and wiped the frosting off. Our faces were inches apart.

"So do you." Niall responded softly, glancing down at my lips. And then he kissed me. He closed the gap and pressed his lips to mine. He tasted like frosting, and his lips were warm and soft. When we pulled apart, I looked him right in the eyes.


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