Five - Fire and Metal

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Published: January 31, 2023.

First-person Point of View

"You have a way with a sword, I'll grant you that much, but it will take much more than mere ego if you think I'll be defeated before the flames on that table strike twelve. Your pride may well be your undoing Mister... um... who?" Only Avdol would be as polite to address someone in a death match.

"Pardonne-moi. We haven't been introduced yet. My name is Jean Pierre Polnareff." The Frenchman introduces himself right before the battle.

"Merci beaucoup. I appreciate your introduction." Avdol has a slight smile as he playfully replies to his foe. He suddenly turns to where the burning clock was, pointing his finger at it, causing it to be fully engulfed in flames.

"Monsieur Polnareff, don't assume that my flames always burn upward or downward as they would in nature. It is called Magician's Red because it controls flames freely." At this point, I start to lose focus on the conversation that they were having. What were we supposed to do at this moment? We couldn't just all jump the guy at once, the restaurant has other patrons, and we also don't know the guy's full abilities.

Avdol is definitely a better match for this fight, as flames are able to penetrate from long ways. But then again, how can fire defeat a sword made of metal? Was Avdol going to just melt it down? I recently learnt that only Stand's themselves can defeat Stand's, so it actually may be the only way.

I notice Mr. Jean Pierre Polnareff beginning to take a stance, "In the beginning, this world was engulfed in flames. I expect nothing less from Magician's Red, who controls the flames that suggest the beginning of all things. And yet, you speak of ego?" The man digs in his pocket and pulls out a few francs and throws them into the air.

"I assure you, this pride of mine... IS WELL DESERVED!" With the five coins in the air, he extends his rapier with great speed and skewers the francs. Not only that but there was a flame in between each coin! The skill of this man is astounding!

Noticing our astonishment at his swordsmanship, Polnareff smirks, overflowing with ego, knowing that this is an amazing feat

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Noticing our astonishment at his swordsmanship, Polnareff smirks, overflowing with ego, knowing that this is an amazing feat. "So you comprehend the significance of my moves. I am no egoist. My Stand can slice apart flames!" The fingers on this man must be... I'm not even going to finish the sentence.

I turn to Kakyoin, embarrassed by the thought that popped up in my head. "Avdol is totally going to kick this guy's ass." I leaned in closer to him, to make sure that I didn't interrupt the actual fight going on.

Jotaro overheard and sent me a glare, I understand though. Two men were fighting, and I was just making comments. In reality, I was conversing to lessen the panic. We were consistently fighting, and I just knew that this would continue. I may as well make the most of the situation.

A sound of coins clinking on the floor broke the attempted conversation, the Stand and French guy were now gone from where they previously stood! We all turned to a blunt thud, opposite the direction to where the two were. Polnareff had his back turned to us, leaning against the door. How did he even do that?

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