Eight - We Were Mooned?!

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Published: March 20th, 2023.

First-Person Point of View

A deep, menacing chuckle escaped the lips of the so-called "Captain". This was the Stand user we were looking for! With his eyes slightly rolled back in contempt, I could feel a battle on the way. He definitely wasn't going down without a fight.

Jotaro looks at the man, battling the Stand user's burning eyes with his own look of disdain and disgust

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Jotaro looks at the man, battling the Stand user's burning eyes with his own look of disdain and disgust. His grandfather was beside him, asking the question we all were wondering, how did he figure out the Captain was the Stand user?

"Actually, I didn't have a clue." His reply was calm. "I planned to use that trick on the whole crew from the moment we arrived. Simple as that." The power of elimination! What a smart idea!

"And I fell for it. Hat's off to you, boy." Arms out in a display of defeat, the enemy begins to further monologue. Are all enemy Stand users like this?

"You're right. I'm not the captain. The real captain is sleeping with the fishes at the bottom of the China sea." An innocent man was thrown into the crossfire, all to get to us. I felt sick to my stomach. With the causalities of the plane, and now the actual captain, how many more people were going to get hurt because of us?

Jotaro's stern voice breaks me out of my thoughts, he's now challenging the captain. "I guess that means you'll be snoozing in hell, you bastard!" I could tell that Jotaro was feeling guilty as well.

I was standing next to the little girl when something grabbed her leg. In shock, I grabbed her arm, trying to make sure she didn't go overboard. She screamed in fear, and I tried pulling, but I'm not physically strong, I couldn't do much. She was pulled into the arms of a fish-like creature — the Stand of the fake captain — and I was pushed off and knocked back onto the boat.

The throw had me winded and in pain. I was most likely knocked back because he wanted to use a non-Stand user as leverage. He knew I was a Stand user, so he probably assumed I was able to fight him. Not really (I can't fight), but it was a smart decision to make. Props to the guy, I guess.

Avdol rushes to my side and helps me up. I cry out for the captain to let the girl go. I know it's a hostage situation, but I just can't help being miserable. She's just a child.

"Let me go, I can't move." She's struggling against the Stand, and I try to rush forward to help again. I was not thinking straight. Avdol stops me and holds me back. He knows my abilities aren't strong enough, he was just trying to make sure I was safe. All I could do was look at the scene, tears in my eyes.

"Five-on-one is a little tough, even for me..." But what about in a fight? HA! Okay, that's inappropriate, but it's MY THOUGHTS. Who are you to judge me for what I think, besides, it was funny!

"...which is why I kept my identity secret to pick you off one by one. But since you've figured me out, I guess I have no choice." My initial theory was correct but also not at the same time. He definitely didn't want to fight us all together at once, which is why he took the little girl as a hostage and not me, but, he was now going to fight US all at once now?

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