Four - Here We Go Again

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Published: January 31st, 2023.

Images of (Y/N) are drawn based off of me, but it's just a placeholder -- (Y/N) looks like YOU or whatever you'd like (Y/N) to look like <3

First-person Point of View

Mr. Joestar was currently calling someone on the payphone, whilst the rest of us stood outside of a small Hong Kong shop.

A silence filled Avdol, Jotaro, Kakyoin and I. So I tried my best to fill it with conversation. I must mention that I absolutely suck at talking with people. "Um, so... what's everyone's favourite colour?" I awkwardly asked the group, looking down and slightly kicking the rocks at my feet.

"My favourite colour is orange." Avdol's smooth voice was the first to reply.

"Shiny green is my favourite! What's yours?" Kakyoin asked me. The only person who didn't reply was Jotaro, but I knew his answer... 'any transparent colour'. Which was such an odd, but Jotaro-esque answer. At least, the Jotaro that was my friend before. I don't know what type of person he truly is right now, as a change in people is inevitable, and if one isn't there to experience this change slowly, the difference after a period of time is jarring (but also not fully known).

"Mine's (Favourite colour) (A/N: Mine's pink, green and brown!), thanks for asking Kakyoin!" I felt appreciated and included.

An outsider's voice broke our conversation up, "Hey big guy!" Obviously he was referring to Jotaro, the one dude who towered over everyone (except for his equally tall grandfather). We turned to the voice, and it was a food vendor, right behind us!

"You guys aren't from around here are ya? Want some rice porridge? Can't come to Hong Kong and not try our dim sum or rice porridge. We have some hot cola, too!" Trying to sell his products, I was intrigued, and frankly, very hungry. Almost getting killed by a bug on a plane, we didn't get any food afterwards. So now was the time to eat, who knew when we would be attacked next?

I looked at the group, wiggling my eyebrows to signal that we should grab some food. Kakyoin picked up what I was putting out. "Rice porridge, eh? Not bad. Did you know, (Y/n) and Jojo, unlike in Japan, rice porridge is a staple in Hong Kong."

"Rice is a staple in so many countries! It's such an important food product for our world." I reply to his fact.

Kakyoin smiles at me, we were having a conversation, and I wasn't being a stupid idiot for once! "One bowl, the popular way, with pork and century egg." He orders something that was probably a fairly safe option for trying something for the first time. "Coming right up!" The vendor replies.

"In that case, I'll have --" Avdol was about to order when he was interrupted. "HEY!" Joseph's booming voice was from across the street, where the payphone was.

"You think we have time to eat? We're going to my old favourite, you can wait to stuff your faces there!" He begins to walk towards us, done with the conversation he was previously having on the pay phone.

"You think we have time to eat? We're going to my old favourite, you can wait to stuff your faces there!" He begins to walk towards us, done with the conversation he was previously having on the pay phone

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