Six - Elements Clashing

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Published: February 2nd, 2023.

Third-person Point of View

"CROSSFIRE HURRICANE!" Avdol screeched out, engulfing Polnareff with his Stand's flames, and knocking the Frenchman backwards. "I'm afraid you're ten years too young to challenge a fortune teller to a battle of prediction!"

The spectators poked their heads out of hiding places a little further to see what was happening a little clearer. "His Stand took that head-on, it must have melted. It's over!" Everyone had seen the man get burned, or did they?

"That's one hell of a burn" Jotaro looks upon the scene with a stoic look, just as he usually did.

"Well, if it's a third-degree burn, the fire may have caused the nerve endings in the skin to be so damaged, that he probably can't feel the pain." (Y/n) told the others of this knowledge she kept in her brain, and Jotaro slightly sighed.

"What? I'm just saying, he wouldn't feel pain in that area!" She tried justifying herself to Jotaro, with a playful incline in her voice.

"You're right, but if he actually lives, he'll be in bed for three months." Kakyoin begins to walk down the stairs of the entrance of the spacious arena, (Y/n) walking right beside him. Jotaro and Joseph look as the two descend the stairs. "His Stand is destroyed. He's out of commission."

"Now, Mr. Joestar, I think it's time we get on our way to Egypt." Avdol crosses his arms, content with the defeat of his opponent. He walks up to Joseph and Jotaro, with Kakyoin and (Y/n) further down the stairs, barely hearing the conversation the three men were having.

Suddenly, a reverberating whoosh bellows from behind the group. Polnareff was not defeated just yet. They had all celebrated their victory a little too soon.

"What the hell is going on? His Stand is breaking apart!" Joseph narrates, as the armour of Silver Chariot pops off, scattering over the surrounding area.

Polnareff is launched into the air, shocking everyone. "He flew into the air while unconscious?!" This was something no one had expected, and Kakyoin was absolutely flabbergasted at the sight of the man who had supposedly lost, now somehow escaping into the air.

Clapping with amusement, Polnareff cranes his neck backwards to look at the group that doubted his abilities

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Clapping with amusement, Polnareff cranes his neck backwards to look at the group that doubted his abilities. "Well done Monsieur! Oh, bravo!"

"Holy shit! He's completely fine!" (Y/n) spoke first, with the others following with their own disbelief.

Jotaro narrows his eyes at the flying man, not chiming in just yet. "How is he floating in mid-air?" A chuckle from the flying man escaped from his lips, who now had his arms crossed, caressing his shoulders in delight.

"Look closely with your inner eye and see the truth!" He was referring to the Stand holding him up. Launching himself off his Silver Chariot, he somersaults and lands on the ground, revealing his Stand in all its glory. "Behold, my Stand, Silver Chariot, armour-free!"

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