Ten - Pongo vs Homo (sapiens? sexual?)

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TW: Suicidal ideation

First-Person Point of View

Anne and I were standing at the door of the radio room that the sailors were in. They were attempting to get a connection to another ship, most likely trying to signal out to someone that we were stranded.

I hear a little sniffle coming from beside me, and I turn to Anne -- I hope that she's okay and not cryi-

"Gross, I'm all sticky from the salt water." My thoughts were interrupted by her voice. Ah, she was just feeling nasty. Not crying! That was a relief.

"I think I saw a shower earlier somewhere. You should go take one. I'll come with."


"Alright Anne, I'm just gonna be outside. Let me know if you need anything!" I yelled out from beside the door.

"Okay (Y/N)!" I heard Anne walking further in, probably trying to find a good stall.

Prior to this, I went inside and checked every stall in case someone was hiding there. There wasn't anyone there, so I decided to wait outside instead of showering at the same, just in case anyone tried to come in from the radio room.

 There wasn't anyone there, so I decided to wait outside instead of showering at the same, just in case anyone tried to come in from the radio room

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I hear water running, Anne must've just started. Must be nice. I probably stink so much. Oh well, I can shower after her! Just a few more minutes until I ca-

Third-Person Point of View - (Y/n) Focused

The handle to the showering area was opened from the radio room, by callous, bloodied hands. Inside, there were multiple mutilated bodies. It was a massacre, and none of the sailors had any chance of survival.

After all, who would've suspected the orangutan to do this?

Opening the door, the hinges creaked, alerting the girl keeping watch for her little friend.

"Sorry! We're in here!" She turned to face the person entering, so that (Y/n) could let them know that it was occupied and they did not want men in the area as of right now.

But what was in front of her was not a man, nor woman, nor a person with a different identity. No, it was the animal that was caged up from before. Or well, not caged up anymore.

Before she could even think, her mouth was covered by cold metal. Also clamping her hands and leg together, the floors somehow swallowed her up. Now, (Y/n) could not move, and inside, showering, was unsuspecting Anne.

She had caught a glimpse of what was inside the control room, as the door was left wide open. Her right shoulder was then slammed on the floor, but in such a way that no sound came out. The floor was seemingly a fluid, grabbing her so that she was laying sideways, facing the horrific scene.

 The floor was seemingly a fluid, grabbing her so that she was laying sideways, facing the horrific scene

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