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🌟 Monday, May 8th 🌟

The hardest thing about keeping a secret is keeping a secret. And if the secret being kept turns out to be harmful, it's even harder. Because the guilt will eat a person up from the inside out. Although Zayn hadn't had that sort of guilt yet, his secret was bubbling over inside him to the point where he couldn't be quiet about it anymore. He had to tell someone.

"Louis." He called out.

Louis' voice echoed over the top of the cubicle.


"Can you come here a sec?"


Seconds later, Louis came around with a bowl of food he heated up in the microwave earlier.


"Come all the way in. I need to tell you something. A secret."

He did.

"What's up?"

Zayn was nervous.

"Do you... remember that day we were talking about Harry and baby number two?"

"Yeah. How's that going by the way? Oh wait. You said this is a secret. Do you think you're pregnant?"

"No. I'm still taking the pill. But even if I wasn't, we still haven't..."




"I know, I know. It's not good. But that's not the secret. It does have something to do with it though."

"What's the secret then?"

"SpouseX." He mumbled.



He sat his bowl down on Zayn's desk.

"You did not."

"I did."

"But why? Things can't be that bad between you two. Just talk to each other."

"We have tried talking. Talking isn't working. It just leads to arguing. Besides, he has been more occupied with other things lately. I've been private messaging this guy who calls himself Marcel for nearly a month and Harry hasn't even-"

"A month?!"


"That means you went home and downloaded that app that night, didn't you?"

"Yes. But that was not my intentions." He quickly said.

"I'd just worked a long shift and as soon as I walked in the door, Harry started talking about that baby again. Yet he couldn't seem any more disinterested in giving me something I wanted. It made me so upset."

"And that's what made you get on the site?"

"No. It was a culmination of things. That was just the straw that broke the llama's back."

"Camel. It's the Camel's back."

"Yeah, but the llama is prettier and I like saying it."

Louis sighed.

"Okay, just tell me all you're doing is looking for company on that app. Tell me you haven't slept with that guy you're messaging or anyone else."

"First of all, he's the only person I have ever messaged. Secondly, I haven't slept with him."

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