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🌟 Last Year 🌟

🌟 Saturday, October 1st 🌟

Zayn and Harry walked into the house after coming back from their anniversary dinner. They'd just come back from a special dinner date. Now Zayn was expecting to come home and continue it just like they always did. By making love on and off for an hour or two.

When Harry went into the bathroom, Zayn stripped out of his clothes until he was completely naked. Then he patiently waited in the bed for him.

Harry finally came out in his underwear. He looked surprised when he saw Zayn.

"Oh wow."

"Mhm. Wanna come over here?"

Harry slowly walked around to his side of the bed.

"Oh, uh... well I was kinda hoping we could just cuddle and watch a movie tonight."

Zayn furrowed his brow.

"You were?"


"But... we always make love on our anniversary with Darla away. I look forward to it."

Harry sat down on the bed.

"I know you do. But like you said, we always do it. I was hoping we could change it up this time around. We don't always have to make love on our anniversary. I know you love me and you know I love you. Let's try something different tonight. Okay?"


Zayn was confused but forced a half smile his way as he got out of bed and went to get ready for bed.

"I'll be back then."

That night, they did not make love. But they did cuddle in bed and watch a movie until they both fell alseep.

🌟 Saturday, October 15th 🌟

Today Zayn and Harry were going to take Darla to the children's museum. She would be three in a month and a half and they figured she'd be able to really enjoy it now. So they finally made plans to do it.

Right now, Zayn and Harry were in the bathroom getting ready and Zayn had just stepped out of the shower.

"Should I prepare lunch this morning, or should we just wait and buy something later?" Zayn asked as he grabbed the moisturizer bottle off the counter.

"No. I think I'll wanna go someplace to eat afterwards. Make sure Darla has snacks though. You know how cranky she gets when she wants to eat."


As Zayn was beginning to apply moisturizer to the places he could reach, he heard Harry's voice.

"Don't they make creams for that?"

"This is a cream. And it has scented oils in it. See?"

He put the bottle in front of Harry's face.

He leaned in and smelled it.

"Yeah, it do see. Smells good. But I wasn't talking about the moisturizer. I was talking about for your scar."

Zayn paused.


"You know, to make it less visible. I'm pretty sure there are creams out there that you could apply every day so it can slowly fade away."

"It will never fade away."

"Maybe not completely, but... at least not as noticeable."

This time Zayn only stared at him.

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