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🌟 Sunday, July 30th 🌟

🌟 Sunday, July 30th 🌟

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Harry took a deep breath before scanning the key at the door

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Harry took a deep breath before scanning the key at the door. When it unlocked, he slowly opened it.

It was really weird not walking into a dark room. And it was even weirder when he saw a man wearing a jacket and hood while sitting on the bed with his back to the door.

"So weird with the lights on." He whispered as he closed the door behind himself.

He was waiting for a reply. But then he could hear crying.

"You okay, Rodger?" He whispered again.

"Ugh, Marcel. I told you don't need to whisper anymore." He said, just barely audibly through his tears.

"Right. Force of habit..."

As soon as the man heard his voice, he jumped up from the bed and quickly pushed the hat off of his head.


He quickly wiped his tears away and stopped crying.

"H-Harry. What are you doing here?"

He did not answer right away.

"What are... you doing here?"

"You called me Rodger. Why are you looking for Rodger? Is this some kind of trap?"

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