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🌟 Friday, June 30th 🌟

As much as Zayn would rather Darla be in the hospital until she fully healed, there came a point where she had to go home and recover. So they took her back home and under the doctor's orders, cared for her and even administered chewable pain tablets.

It hurt them to see their baby hurt. But it also hurt to have to leave her and go to work. Therefore during the day Zayn's mother would watch her and take care of her until one of them arrived home. She didn't mind it. Especially because she still felt like it was her fault that Darla was hurt in the first place.

Zayn did learn something new though when the doctor was giving his instructions. He learned that the younger a person was, the faster their bones healed. The same broken bones that might have taken Zayn seven or eight weeks to heal, would only take four or so weeks for her. What a relief to know she wouldn't suffer for long or be forced to stay in a cast for too long.

Although there was an upside for her, her parents weren't so fortunate. Her accident didn't bring them together as much as it was pulling them apart.

Zayn didn't blame Harry to his face anymore, but he was still upset that she got hurt because of something he did. Even more, he was still mad that he left the hospital and flew out that night. On the other hand, Harry tried to make amends by cancelling his partnership. But the idea of them still not having that second child was upsetting to him. And he found himself giving Zayn the cold shoulder although it was his broken promise that put them in that situation in the first place.

For their daughters sake, they attempted to get along at first. But something was missing and they knew it. What they weren't equating it with was that they only felt that way because there was someone else taking their mental and physical attention. Not just for a few moments. But constantly throughout Darla's entire healing period.

 But constantly throughout Darla's entire healing period

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🌟 Friday, July 7th 🌟

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🌟 Friday, July 7th 🌟

🌟 Friday, July 7th 🌟

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