Bad nerves...

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Barely audible, In my Nature by Luniz sounded through the speakers of my ride. I was livid with what just went down in front of my mama's crib. I hope she wasn't watching out the window. My mama already has a problem with what I do to make money but shit I'ma selfless nigga, I only grind for my family. That shit with Deandre got me out here hot but shit rule number 1, never play with the money that feeds my family.

That goes for any nigga that claimed to be loyal till the soil, if I lend you some money and you start ducking and dodging​ a nigga that's an automatic knock off because you basically said fuck me and my family, so shit, fuck your life. No remorse...

As I was approaching my crib, I noticed that Devin's car was gone. Shit, he probably was dropping​ that confused ass broad off at the crib. I pulled into my driveway and parked. I got out my car, made my way down the walkway and walked up the stairs of my porch. I unlocked the door and walked in. Right after closing and locking the door behind me, I tossed the keys on the table as I headed for my bedroom.

Before hand I noticed that the bedroom that Devin had ol girl in was fucked up. Food and shit on the nightstand, condom wrappers on the floor, sheets hanging​ off the bed and shit. I was irritated than a bitch. His dirty ass just added onto my frustrations. I'll check his dumb ass when I see him, I ain't cleaning up after no nigga, that shit dead as hell.

I walked into my room and flopped down onto my bed with my feet still touching​ the floor. I closed my eyes and not even a minute later my cell began ringing​. I sighed before reaching​ into my pants pocket. I opened my eyes and gazed at the screen to see that it was my yungin A.j.

I answered before sliding​ my cell to my ear. "What's up yungin?", I spoke into the phone.

"You still at the crib nigga?", he queried.

"Yeah, shit I just got back to the crib.", I said in an agitated tone.

"You good yungin?", he asked out of curiosity due to the agitation in my voice.

"I'm as good as I'm gonna be, shit, I'll let you know what's up when I see you.", I said.

"Aight, well shit, me, Eric and Juan about to head back ya way, you tryin to roll up yung?", He queried.

"Naw but y'all can do y'all, I'll be here.", I said.

"Aight nigga, we'll be there.", He said.

"Aight.", I said right before ending the phone all.

I slid my phone back in my pants pocket. Closing my eyes, I pinched the bridge of my nose and let out a sigh. There's so much shit on my plate and it's frustrating a nigga down to the damn core. My mind soon drifted off to when I actually had someone other than my niggas to talk to, someone that got my mind right when I was on the verge of doing something stupid, the shit was meaningless now.

Breaking my thoughts, I sat up and with that I heard a few counted knocks coming from the living room. I stood to my feet and made my way into the living room. I opened the door to see A.j, Eric and Juan.

These niggas got here in no time...

I greeted them with a "What's up" before I gave them each some dap and with that we all took a seat on the unoccupied couches.

A.j rested his back against the couch opposite of me. "So what's up yungin?", he queried.

I sighed. "Aight, so look, I stopped by my mama crib for a lil minute, to see how she was doin and shit, then I got a call from one of my clients, so I was gone head home and bag some shit up for him. I got in my car, gettin ready to back out the driveway and Murphy opp ass pulled up on a nigga. Talkin good bullshit. That nigga wanted to take me down to the station for questionin and shit but the shit that got me hot was him talkin bout hand cuffin a nigga but that definitely wasn't goin on but shit, no lie, I was gone go ahead and just go but he was gone try to twist shit up and try to get me to snitch on my damn self, I had to shut that shit down.", I said.

A.j sighed. "I'm surprised none of these niggas out here offed his ass yet.", he said.

"Shit, on God, that nigga better be lucky that he got that badge to hide behind but on some real shit, I'ma fuck around and not give a shit and pop his ass.", I said in an exasperated tone.

Eric chuckled a bit. "Shit, I feel you, that nigga always on bullshit.", he said as he rested his back against the couch. "I wonder if the nigga goin off his own assumptions or if someone in his ear talkin shit about you.", he stated.

I shrugged. "Shit, either way, he'll be livin in his last days, if he keep fuckin with me.", I said in the same exasperated tone. "I'm not about to play with that nigga.", I said.

A.j chuckled. "Aight, well look yungin, that shit dead for now.", he said.

As soon as I was about to respond, I heard a knock at the front door. "Man who the fuck...", I said as I got up from my seat and walked over to the door. I wasn't expecting no one so it was either an opp or Devin. "Who is it?", I queried.


I opened the door and I sat back down on the couch. Devin gazed at everyone and with that he greeted us with "What's up"... A few heads nods were given and A.j began talking to him.

"Where ya dusty ass been at nigga?", he questioned.

Devin closed and locked the door behind him as he leaned up against it. "Droppin this broad off", he said to A.j in response.

"Oh yeah, how she lookin?", A.j carried on.

"Young as fuck.", I said nonchalantly. "A high school broad, remember, I told you that shit earlier yungin.", I said as I rested my back against the couch.

Devin chuckled. "Why you snitchin yung?", he queried.

"Fuck you.", I said harshly.

A.j shook his head. "Nigga don't tell me you fuckin a freshman.", he said.

Everyone aside from me laughed...

"Naw man she a senior, she 17.", Devin stated.

Juan furrowed his eyebrows. "Do her mama know?", he asked followed by a chuckle.

Devin shook his head. "Naw, shit I ain't tryin to be her nigga, I don't need to meet her mama. Shit all I been doin is fuckin the broad, I only been fuckin with her for a few days.", Devin said truthfully.

I sighed because the whole lil conversation was pissing​ me off, I just didn't want to hear the shit. "Aye yung", I said grabbing​ Devin's attention. "That room you was fuckin that lil girl in, straighten that shit up.", I said in an exasperated tone.

Everyone laughed aside from me. "Yung why you bitchin?", Devin asked followed by a sly chuckle.

I furrowed my eyebrows and gazed his way. "Fuck all the small talk, if you gone be fuckin bitches and shit up in my crib, you gone have to clean shit up. I ain't gone be cleanin up after another nigga, ya heard me and shit, if you can't do that then ask ya mama if you can fuck some shit up at her shit or ask that lil broad to ask her parents if y'all can have a sleepover because that leavin food and condoms around my shit is dead as hell.", I said in an exasperated tone.

Devin sighed. "Aight yungin, calm down, damn.", he said as he made his way down the hallway.

My yungins laughed...

"Nigga, why you do him like that?", Eric asked in laughter. "Got him all embarrassed and shit.", he carried on.

I shrugged. "I don't give a fuck, his dumb ass old enough to know how clean up behind himself.", I said nonchalantly.

A.j shook his head as he laughed. "You ain't shit nigga but shit, you got some sour diesel?" he questioned as sat up straight.

I nodded. " Shit, you payin cause if not then I ain't got shit for you." I said truthfully.

A.j held a blank stare. "Nigga I'm always payin.", A.j said.

I nodded. "Aight I got you." I said as I got up and headed to the kitchen.

Shit I might as well get that ounce of Cali Kush ready for my client too...

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