I found him...

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New Orleans Police Dispatcher: 911, What's your emergency?

Woman: T-there was just some shooting at the house across t-the street from my home!

New Orleans Police Dispatcher: Okay, what's the address that this happened near?

Woman: It happened directly across the street from my home at a red house, I can't really make out the address from where I'm at, I'm peeking out of my front window but my address is 674 W 6th place, right off of Claiborne...

New Orleans Police Dispatcher: Do you know if anyone is hurt?

Woman: There's someone lying in the grass covered in blood!

New Orleans Police Dispatcher: Okay, is it a male or female?

Woman: It's a, It's a male, yes it's a male!

New Orleans Police Dispatcher: Did you see anything that could have caused this?

Woman: No, I-I didn't see anything besides guys outside talking!

New Orleans Police Dispatcher: Okay what is your Name?

Woman: My name is Regina Burton.

New Orleans Police Dispatcher: Alright, we do have officers on the way, do you want to stay on the line until help arrives?

Woman: N-no, it's alright, I'll wait for them.

New Orleans Police Dispatcher: Alright just contact us if you hear or see anything suspicious.


New Orleans Police Department
715 South Broad St
New Orleans, LA 70119

5:45 pm...

Occupying my work station of the cluttered police department office, with the smell of 2 hour old coffee lingering from my coffee cup I irately pushed aside the files that I've been scrutinizing through for hours prior. I pinched the bridge of my nose followed by a sigh of frustration. I've been working on this rape case for some time now but I just can't pinpoint who could have done it and with that, this case was eating at me. "Detective?", someone said in a queried tone.

I gazed up to see a fellow detective, detective sergeant that is."Yes detective Donelson?", I questioned putting my attention back on the scattered files along my desk.

She pressed her lips together before speaking."A woman just called in and apparently there was a shoot out followed by a homicide right off of 6th and Claiborne.", She stated as she folded her arms."They sent some officers over that way to check out what happened and I know that you've been trying to crack that rape case but so far you've got nothing. Maybe you should just close the rape case and jump on this one", Detective Donelson spoke.

My eyes shot right in her direction."Donelson you know that I take what I do seriously, I vowed to never simply give up on a case just because I wasn't quick to get information, sometimes things take time to fall into place and you know that.", I said in a tone of vexation.

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