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New Orleans Police Department
715 South Broad St
New Orleans, LA 70119

4:45 pm...

Occupying my work station of the cluttered police department office, with the aroma of old coffee lingering from my coffee cup, I irately pushed aside the files that I've been scrutinizing through for hours prior. Cases on top cases and I hate that my only child was involved with my main suspect. Knowing the only way I could take him down was to take my own flesh and blood down with him. My daughter. I pinched the bridge of my nose followed by a sigh of frustration.

Standing to my feet, I walked from my station and made my way through the crowded department office. Gazing at the last person that I wanted to look to for help, I cleared my throat to gain attention.

Never looking up from the files she was going through, she spoke. "Is there anything that I could help you with, Detective", Detective Donelson queried.

Taking my attention away from her my eyes roamed the department office briefly before meeting her eyes who were now gazing my way. "Well?", she queried.

Pressing my lips together, I let off a sigh before speaking. "I need your help", I said feeling defeated knowing I said a mouthful to her some time before.

Placing her files on her desk she clasped her hands together. "I was under the impression that you only worked alone and with me being a woman I was to only work a desk job here", she said candidly.

Feeling defeated, I sighed out of frustration because at this very moment I knew that I put my foot in my mouth. "Listen, I apologize for what I've said to you. I just need to take August Alsina and it's become evident to me that I can't do this on my own. I just can't", I said feeling a bit desperate at this point.

Furrowing her eyebrows, she spoke. "You're still dealing with that case", she queried. "It's redundant Detective. If you can't find anything on him then it's best you move on to another case.", she said which infuriated me.

Slamming my fist down on her desk I spoke. "I told you how I much I took what I did serious. I vowed to never just give up on any case because I was quick to figure it out. This nigga is out there murdering people left and right. Do you know how many homicides has his name linked to them? He is slick, I'll tell you that.", I said becoming even more frustrated. "Changing cars back to back after every murder. Donelson I'm not stupid. I don't have hardcore evidence but I am not stupid. I want that nigga behind bars.", I said in a tone of vexation because the very  thought of my daughter being involved is eating me alive and knowing what I know as far as the conversation she had with Jade was taking an even bigger toll on me.

Nodded her head at what I just said, she spoke. "Tell me this, if you're for certain that he is out there causing havoc in the streets, why haven't you looked at those who he could possibly have beef with? You're so busy with tunnel vision on him that you could be blinded by what's really going on", she said which caused me even more frustration.

"This started with the murder of one of his closet friend which was Deandre Williams and after that every person that were murdered right after were linked to Deandre in some kind of way and with that August was changing cars and then in the midst of the shit a child was murdered. August's close friend's younger sister was murdered and with all this back and forth shit I caught up with Devin Holloway and he gave me info on August and not long after that encounter I caught up with August but I couldn't hold him because his rights weren't read.", I said in an indignant tone.

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