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Saturday evening...

A week went by and I found myself secluded from everyone, in this tiny cube, my bedroom. I rested my back against my headboard as I silently read "The boy in the striped pajamas". Licking my finger, I turned the page and followed the words in the book. My class was assigned to read this book followed by yet again, another book report that I needed to ace. Being on punishment was never a walk in the park for me however the time spent to myself, I've been more focused on my studies. My dream of going to college still stands. I can't allow myself to lose focus despite what I've been going through. I brought my grades back up to a 4.0 which I am very proud of, I haven't mentioned it to my parents because I hate that the only way they'll grace me with kind words is if it's dealing with education. I am leaning towards it only because I know that it may get me off of punishment. I am so accustomed to being cooped up in the house that it is gazed upon as pathetic. I barely experienced my teenage years because of my strict parents with their assumptions and beliefs. Throughout the time spent alone, I couldn't help but think of the only person which truly mattered, Sina. It's safe to say that I really do care about him, about him as a whole. I've been praying for him more than I do myself, when I wake up and before I fall into slumber. I also became accustomed to that, an everyday routine I might add...

I reached over to my nightstand and grabbed my floral bookmark and placed it inside of the book that I was reading. Placing the book on the nightstand, I stood to my feet. Sliding my feet into my house shoes, I walked over to my computer desk and took a seat in my computer chair. I scooted myself closer to the desk as I moved the mouse a bit to wake the computer from sleep mode. I then clicked the Google Chrome widget and searched prom dresses. This past week, I couldn't help but notice that a variety of my peers were conversing about prom. I guess Briana was right about planning for prom early. I knew that I wasn't attending prom, even years prior. I felt this way because I was always sure that no one would ever ask me, it was always plastered in the back of my mind. It would be a beautiful and memorable experience of high school, an actual highlight but I doubt it ever happen for me. I'd rather not go at all than go alone. I sighed as I came across a website full of beautiful prom gowns. I rested my left elbow on the desk as I palmed the side of my face. Scrolling the dresses, I came across the most beautiful dress that I've ever laid eyes on. I clicked on the image to get a better look at it. Filling my heart up with warmth, I zoomed in and admired the many details that was bestowed upon it, flushed in a beautiful powder blue. Beautiful enough to outshine the simple prom gown, could be mistaken as a wedding gown. I gazed at the price and I was taken aback, it was costly, wishful thinking. I couldn't afford it nor was I even attending but before getting off of the computer, I did add it to my bookmarks...

One day...

I rested my back against my computer chair and swayed side to side as I closed my eyes shut. I don't like the way that I am feeling at the moment. I just need someone to talk to, I feel so alone right now. I opened my eyes and stood to my feet and made my way out of the bedroom. As I made my way downstairs I heard Reverend Henton wrapping up his sermon to the congregation on television. As I walked into the living room, I saw my mother sitting on the couch sipping from her coffee mug, never letting her attention fall from the television. Just as the sermon ended she leaned forward and placed her coffee mug on the coaster which rested upon the coffee table. I walked over to her and without saying a word, I sat down next to her, got comfortable and laid my head on her lap. "You alright baby?", she queried as I gazed at the television. The Awakening came on, a Chicago based show...

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