Pink Paradise...

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I walked along the sidewalk as my head hung low, the sad feeling of despair hovered my body. I was more hurt than embarrassed. I wanted so bad to shed tears but something in me held back. I gazed down at the cracked sidewalk as I continued my walk through the unfrequented neighborhood. It was rather vacant over this way, more abandoned houses than occupied. I grew a bit nervous due to the fact and it was disturbingly quiet, the only thing that stood out from silence were the small rocks and broken sticks I stepped on here and there...

My paranoia grew but my thoughts were placed back on what Briana has done. It amazes me how someone you gazed upon as a sister could treat you as if you were a mere stranger. I sighed as I thought about the what ifs; anything could happen to me right at this very moment. The killer part about it all is that I don't think that she would even give the slightest care. As I continued my walk, I was quickly startled by the sound of the train that was down yonder. I sighed as I clenched the binder that I carried in my arms close to my chest.

I then heard an automobile slowly creep along the curb of the sidewalk which I was occupying and with that my heart began to pound rapidly through my chest, beating against my floral binder. A large lump began to form in my throat as I heard the barely audible music that was playing in the automobile. Just as I swallowed the large lump that formed in my throat, I felt my legs weaken and with that my pace became slower.

Just great...

I didn't hear the slow tires meet with the rough concrete any longer but I still heard the low music and the sudden halt caused me to grow even more nervous. I then heard a rather familiar voice, a voice that caused me to immediately stop in my tracks and turn around. I sighed in relief as I gazed at the familiar candy apple red Chevy Caprice. I saw him motion for me to get in through the windshield.

I walked to the passenger's side and got in with no hesitation. It's funny how things work out, he was the last person that I was expecting to show up and rescue me from my paranoia. I gazed at him before speaking. "Hello, Mr---, Hello Sina.", I said softly as I fastened my seat belt.

"What's poppin?", He said in more of a question than a greeting as he gazed at me through his geek frames. "Why you over here walkin by yaself, shit I know it ain't downtown but it ain't too safe round here either, crack heads and trap houses over this way.", Sina spoke.

I gazed down at my binder which rested in my lap. "I was headed home.", I said softly.

He furrowed his eyebrows. "Home? That was gonna be a long lonely walk, don't you think?", He queried before speaking more. "And what I tell you about lookin at me while we're talkin", He said which caused me to put my attention on him.

"My apologies and I missed the bus.", I said softly. "I was in the library searching high and low for a particular book that my teacher wants the class to check out and conversing with a good friend of mine and not only did I miss the bus, I also missed the late bus.", I said as I bit my lip and gazed down.

He nodded. "Aight, so did you find ya lil book?", He queried.

I gazed at him. "No, I couldn't find it.", I answered.

"You need it though, right?", He queried.

I nodded...

"So shit, what you gonna do, you want to go home or you want to go to the library?", He questioned as he turned the key which was already in the ignition.

I pressed my lips together before speaking. "The library, I would really appreciate it.", I said in a sincere tone and with that he put the gearshift on D and drove off...

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