Part 18~Exams

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Standing in the observation room, Iida tapped his leg nervously. He wasn't allowed to participate in the final exam- he was assured it wouldn't affect him. He was just required to take it later. He was still too injured for the heroes' tastes.

This meant he had the choice of staying at home or watching the others, and he had spent enough time staring at white walls for a lifetime. He sat beside Recovery Girl's seat, staring at the giant screen.

Akuma ran about the city, following Todoroki and Momo. Izuku was flying through the sky, looking out for Aizawa. Momo was creating tiny dolls, and Todoroki held a small flame.

The group was lost. Iida flinched as he saw Izuku pop out of existence. The others didn't seem to notice as they stopped, trying to catch their breath. Todoroki glanced around, looking at Akuma. "Don't suppose you have a location spell."

"The only spell I have that tells me where people are in the strings of fate spell, and Aizawa is neither friend nor family." Akuma wiped his brow, standing up straighter. "You see him, Izu-chan?" He paused, frowning. "Izuku?"

"Guys, my fire has gone out." Todoroki jumped back as Yaororozu's quirk deactivated. Spinning wildly, they tried to find Aizawa. After a second, they found Aizawa hanging upside down, using his scarf to hang onto the lamppost. "Get back."

Todoroki tried to attack Aizawa, but nothing happened.

Akuma whispered under his breath, drawing the summoning circle. "Άκου την κλήση μου και υπάκουσέ με. Άκου την καρδιά μου κ-" Akuma couldn't finish when Aizawa kicked him.

Yaoyorozu stepped between the trio, pulling at the Russian dolls she had created and throwing them forward. A bright light filled the area as Yaoyorozu grabbed the boys and dragged them away.

"Άκου την κλήση μου και υπάκουσέ με. Άκου την καρδιά μου και ακολούθησέ με. Άκου ψυχή μου και θα γίνουμε ένα. Έλα έξω, Iziamsu!" Fire errupted behind Akuma as Izuku flew about him.

Izuku stretched open his wings, falling behind the others and punching the ground. In a second, the Earth split, spewing out fire and lava. Izuku took back to the sky, flying to Todoroki and landing on his shoulders.

"Is that a demon power? Can I do that?" Todoroki almost seemed excited at the new abilities he was learning about.

Izuku grinned. "Should be able to. Any child of the surface and lower can split the fabric of the realms."

Todoroki's eyes widened as he grinned. "Teach me."

"Later." Izuku smiled, his grin wide with promise.

Akuma and Yaoyorozu spun around the corner, the exit in sight. Before they could get anywhere close, Aizawa turned out of the air, landing between them and the exit. "It will not be that easy."

Yaoyorozu was flustered, unable to think of a plan, as Izuku popped out of existence again. Todoroki created a cover, giving time for the group to hide and Akuma to resummon Izuku.

"We need to do something. We can't outrun him forever." Akuma panted as Izuku laughed.

"We can certainly try!" Izuku squeaked, barely avoiding the angry hero.

"Προστατεύω." A shield surrounded Izuku as Akuma's eyes flashed. "Ομίχλη." White mist filled the fake streets, hiding them from view. "Wish I had thought about that five minutes ago."

"Yoayorozu, you need to think of a plan. I know you can. I believe in you." Todoroki smiled at Yaoyorozu as she paused, pressing against her heart.

Izuku grinned, landing on her shoulder. "You're the smartest person here. If anyone can think of a plan, it's you. Definitely not Ku-chan."


"You're the one who forgot about the mist spell." Izuku grinned as Akuma flicked him. Yayorozu sighed, surrounded by people who believed in her.

She made a plan.


The fog was lifting, making it easier to see. Aizawa jumped from rooftop to rooftop, stopping the green-haired boy perched atop a pipe.

Running closer, Aizawa's scarf wrapped around Izuku, stopping him from speaking. But, as Aizawa got closer, he realised it wasn't Izuku. The illusion disappeared as Aizawa stood on the building. He couldn't respond before Izuku jumped behind him, kicking him to the side.


Fire erupted around the trap Aizawa had fallen in. The material curled in on itself, wrapping around Aizawa and holding him in place. Akuma and Todoroki grinned, fist bumping as Izuku landed on Akuma's shoulder.

Yaoyorozu sighed in relief, coming out of her hiding spot with a metal pole in her hand.

Their win was announced as they attempted to untangle Aizawa but failed miserably.

"What is this made from?" Izuku dug his feet into the ground, pulling unsuccessfully. Due to that question, they ended up in a Yaoyorozu rant about the material and its properties.


Akuma bounced into the observation room, hopping towards Iida with a grin. "Tenya! I passed!" They were alone, Recovery Girl having left to heal Kirishima and Sato. Everyone else had headed off to the cafeteria for their break.

Iida smiled softly, accepting the hug that Akuma gave him. "I know. You were amazing."

Akuma leaned into Iida's body, resting against his back.

"Akuma, I've decided."

"Decided?" Akuma reached out, taking Iida's hand to fidget with.

"About you."

Akuma tilted his head, letting go of Iida and kneeling in front of him so he could look into his eyes. "What about me?"

"I told you I would think about it, and I have."

Akuma's eyes frowned before widening. "You mean... about us..."

Iida nodded, retaking Akuma's hand. "I like you."

Akuma paused. "Are you sure? I can wait longer."

"When I was dying, all I thought about was you. All I can think about is you." Iida lifted his hand to cup Akuma's cheek. "I like you."

Akuma leaned into the touch, his eyes fluttering close. "I like you too."

Iida chuckled, shaking his head. "I know. I'm sorry for making you wait so long."

"I don't care. You had so much going on. You still do." Akuma resisted the urge to look at Iida's missing arm. "Why... Why answer me now?"

"I've been meaning to answer you for the last fortnight, but... you were so scared about your exam so..." Iida blushed, lowering his head as he tried to speak.

Akuma smiled, snorting slightly as he pressed his forehead to Iida's. "You're so cute."

Iida's blush increased as Akuma nestled into his side, watching the others returning with food in their hands.


Άκου την κλήση μου και υπάκουσέ με. Άκου την καρδιά μου και ακολούθησέ με. Άκου ψυχή μου και θα γίνουμε ένα. Έλα έξω, Iziamsu!

Hear my call and obey me. Hear my heart and follow me. Hear my soul and we shall be one. Come forth, Iziamsu!







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