Part 24~The Battle

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Izuku was enjoying his nap. Despite everything that was going on, Akuma had gone out of his way to ensure Izuku had a good night's sleep.

That was until he felt it. Shooting out of bed, Izuku felt the urge to run. He knew that magic. It felt so familiar and yet so wrong. Something was wrong with the universe.

"Ku-chan! I-chan! Ten-chan!" Izuku opened his wings, flying about the house, but it was quiet. No one was there. "Ku-chan?" Closing his eyes, Izuku focused on Akuma's soul, deep in the city.

Flying out the window, Izuku stormed across the night sky, searching for his friend.


Stopping, Izuku stared down at what used to be a warehouse. AFO walked out, boasting though Izuku wasn't close enough to hear it. Grey, silvery liquid began spawning around him. Amongst the villains, Katsuki collapsed to the ground, quickly followed by Todoroki, who instantly surrounded them both with ice.

"You think that will hold me, boy! I'll drag you out myself!" Hisashi snarled the flames surrounding him as Izuku gulped.

"Izuku!" Ichi waved her hands as Izuku dived, crashing into her arms. "What are you doing here?"

"I felt something was wrong." Izuku turned to Akuma, climbing into his arms as Akuma did his best to soothe him.

"Good instincts," Jiro praised as Izuku shook his head.

"Not instincts." Izuku stared up at Akuma, his lip quivering. "Your mother did something to the universe. I think she made it more volatile."

"And by volatile, you mean?" Akuma trailed off as Izuku answered him.

"One portal opening from becoming hell."

"Right. Let's not do that."

Ichi frowned. "But aren't portals opening all the time? I mean, Grims must use them to get about all the time."

"That's different. For pure Grims, it's more like slipping through the molecules of the universe. They slide in and out of each plane. Summoning, on the other hand, does open up a portal."

"Got it. Don't summon demons. I think we can handle that."

Izuku shook his head. "It's not you I'm worried about."

"Mum's familiar." Akuma's eyes widened as Izuku nodded.

"And Sho-chan. Either could open a portal at any time and destroy the universe."

Ichi sighed. "This is sounding more and more positive. So, we need to save Todoroki and Bakugo while one is unconscious, and all the villains will try to stop us. Prevent Kuma's bitch mum from destroying the world and all while not using our Quirks. I'm starting to think we're way in over our heads."

"Maybe not." Akuma rubbed his chin as he glanced at Izuku. "We can use our Quirks as long as we don't attack anyone with them. We could create a distraction long enough for the boys to get out, and I'll work on a spell to disable my mother's Quirk."

"Isn't that counted as attacking someone?"

"Not if they never find out." Akuma smiled as the group sighed. They didn't have a better plan.


Todoroki crouched down. He was running out of area to freeze. Katsuki was still unconscious, looking more like a lifeless doll than anything else. Hisashi stormed closer and closer.

Letting out a breath, Todoroki surrounded himself with fire. Hisashi stumbled back, startled as Todoroki grabbed Katsuki and ran. He didn't get far before he was surrounded by the other villains.

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