Chapter 7

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Bey's POV

My stomach was absolutely killing me as I tried to sleep. I couldn't take it anymore so I got up and limped my way to the bathroom. Once I got in front of the mirror I saw the blood soaked shirt making me whimper. I hate the sight of blood. I took off the shirt and began undressing the wound. Luckily I've had to stitch up Kelly's trigger happy ass after a couple bar fights.

Once I finished stitching up the wound again and changing the dressings I was tired again. But I soon began to hear loud running. Sounded like a damn stampede, I knew it had to be Rihanna heavy foot ass.

"Bey, baby where's bey?!", asked Rihanna frantically.

"Well then, what happened here?", I asked stepping out the bathroom.

"When di—

"Surprise!", yelled Nicki making me jump.

Rihanna stood in shock as if she was too scared to move. "Baby are you good?", I asked stepping forward. She took a step back as tears clouded her eyes.

"I thought you weren't gonna make it.", she said.

"Well I'm here now love, it's me.", I said hoping she would calm down.

"No you did something stupid and I almost lost you bey!", she yelled.

"Baby yo—

"Rihanna I'm here, I'm sorry for scaring you, but I'm here not and I'm not going no where.", I said.

"No you're gonna leave me just like my mo—

"Don't say that rih, I've been by your side since that night after the club, I've been with you through everything and you've done the same for me, I'm not leaving you , I would never, I love you.", I said finally wrapping my arms around her.

"I t—

She couldn't even speak properly the way she was crying. I felt bad because even though Rihanna seems all hard, she's a scarred person who needs love. She deserves it.

"I'm gonna give y'all time, and change the sheets.", said Nicki.

"Hey, you need to be in here for this too.", I said.

"I talked to Rihanna, it's your turn, toodles.", she said closing the sliding door to our lounge area.

"Rihanna do you trust me, I know I've done some shit in the past to ruin your trust.", I said.

"I t-trust you.", she said. I lifted her head out of my chest and wiped her tears.

"Well trust me when I say I'm not gonna leave, I'm gonna stay for you, Nicki, the kids, and everything.", I said holding her hand.

"Pinky promise?", she said.

I raised my pinky and smiled. We interlocked them and kissed the thumb.

"Relax, I miss you being a big baby.", I said while laying on the couch.

"I'm not a bab—

"You're the youngest and sensitive as cotton, don't play with me rih.", I said with a straight face.

"Fine, but don't let nobody else know.", she pouted.

"It's okay love, you're my gangsta out there, but when you with us you let that street shit go.", I said raking my hand through her hair. I began to lowly hum and rock side to side.

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