Chapter 9

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Nicki's POV
Later That Day

"Mama are you sure you can watch the kids, I can wait to do the job.", I said to Mama Tina.

"Child leave this house and get to y'all bag, I got these kids.", she said switching through the channels. I sighed hoping that she actually could deal with the kids.

"And plus I got a little snack for them at 6:30.", she said lifting up a bottle of melatonin gummies. "Especially that little boy who like to run around when it's time to sleep."

"Oh lord mama, okay I'm gonna go.", I said.

"Yeah you go, I'll have y'all a plate when y'all come back, and make sure Beyoncé don't do stupid shit.", she said.

"Yes ma'am."

I got into the sleek black Tahoe and closed the door behind me.

"Baby why we doing this so early, I thought I'd at least get to see the kids today.", I said.

"Nicki them kids will be there when we get back, the quicker we get this done, the quicker you get to see the babies.", said bey before kissing my cheek. I sighed.

"So who's this man anyways?", I asked.

"Mr. Hill is a film producer who is all about the stats, turns out Mr. Hill got a couple of friends to steal from Tyler Perry Productions and we, well you, have the task of getting everything back.", said Rihanna in the front seat.

"Okay, so make it look like an accident or..."

"Just make him give up the films and then kill him, simple.", said bey.

"Okay I can do that.", I said with a smile trying to cover the fact that I was nervous. I haven't had to do a job in a while and knowing I have kids to get to makes this nerve racking.

"You got this mama.", said Beyoncé kissing my temple as the truck came to a stop.

"Thanks babygirl, y'all get in position.", I said giving them both a kiss before leaving.

Rihanna's POV

"I wanna go in with her bubba.", Beyoncé pouted.

"No.", I said with a straight face.

"You know what.", she said before it went silent. Next thing I know she had me in a headlock and her mouth was inches from my ear.

"You don't tell me no, you can tell anybody else no, but never tell me no.", she said in that raspy velvet voice making my thigh lock together.

"Giselle, stop.", I growled barely being able to hold the moan.

"Yes zaddy." She purred before licking my ear.

Oh my god, thank god I can't get her pregnant.


Beyoncé's POV

Rihanna and I sat on the roof across the street from Hill's office watching Nicki hold cover.

"Why didn't we use earbuds again?", asked Rihanna.

"Because bubba, Munchkin needs to focus, now hush.", I said.

"You act like she can hear us.", she said with a slight attitude.

"Do you need some pussy, cause your attitude has been shitty.", I said.

"I mean, I love pus—

"Shut up Robyn.", I said rolling my eyes. She scoffed and looked back through the binoculars.

"She's in.", smirked Rihanna.

I looked through mines to see Nicki sitting on Hill's desk with her legs open. My eye low key twitched. I understood it was a part of the plan but I didn't like that he could even imagine seeing my goodies.

"Is she fucking crazy.", Rihanna growled making me look back through the binoculars. Hill stood between nicki's legs kissing her neck and rubbing on her thighs.

"You know what, fuck this shit.", I hissed. I pulled the bag from beside me and assembled the sniper rifle within minutes.

"Bey, it's her job, let her finish it.", said Rihanna as I looked through the scope of the gun.

"Rihanna look through your scopes, you sure you want me to let her finish?", I asked looking at Mr. Hills pulling off Nicki's underwear.

"Kill that bitch.", she snarled.

I lined up the cross with his head and before you knew it the hot bullet ripped through his forehead making Nicki jump. She looked in panic until she followed the direction of the bullet and saw me. She showed a face of fear before smirking and waving. Her closing the floor to ceiling blinds was the last thing I saw.

"I'm gonna kill her.", I said taking apart the gun.

"Not before I do.", said Rihanna putting on the backpack. We headed back downstairs to the car and waited for Nicki to return. By the time she did show up Rihanna was knocked out sleep and I was on my way. She slipped into the drivers seat holding a briefcase.

"Before you trip, I got the package.", she said wiping the sweat from her forehead.

"Fuck is you sweating for?", I asked.

"I just was caught with a dead man in his office taking a briefcase that obviously wasn't meant to be taken.", she said with a straight. I wasn't even gonna admit that she was right. The most I could do was nod.

"Now can we get home so I can see my babies?", she asked.

"Let's go then.", I said sitting back. The car was silent other than the radio playing and Rihanna's light snores. I don't know what the hell had her so tired but it knocked her the fuck out.

"Stop pouting Giselle.", said Nicki stopping at a red light.

"Don't tell me what to do Tan—

Her hand grasped my inner thigh and took a tight grip making me whimper.

"Attitude, lose it.", she said with a straight face and still looking forward. Even though she looked harmless she was definitely still a dominant force to be reckoned with.

"Now we had a job to do and we did it, stop letting it get to you, you know I'm yours so don't even think shit else."

"I'm sorry.", I said just above a whisper. She finally let go of my thigh and continued driving.

"Rih's still gonna be mad.", I said thinking about when she wakes up.

"Don't worry neither one of you will be after tonight.", she smirked.


Fell off isn't even the word for what I've done. 🤣🤣

I swear I love y'all. But this 18/senior shit is not for the weak. Shit is overrated. But I love y'all once again and thank you for getting Triangular Affection to 100k🫶🏾💕

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