Chapter 8

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Nicki's POV
The Next Day

"Rihanna we got a meeting in 2 days with a man, he wants a job done by us.", I said.

"What about me?!", asked Beyoncé popping her head up.

"Bey you are still recovering, I'm not letting you out there just to possibly get hurt again.", said Rihanna responding for me.

"Nah I'm good, I can do the meeting at least.", she said.

"No bey, sit this one out, you got a couple more weeks of recovery then you can slowly get back in the game.", I said.

"Let me do the meeting at least, somebody can go with me.", she begged. I sighed and looked at Rihanna looking for her opinion. She nodded.

"I'm doing the job, you and Rihanna can do the meeting.", I said hoping I don't regret my decision.

"YES!", she yelled jumping in my arms.

"I'm taking a picture of this, you know you too big for that babygirl.", said Rihanna pulling out her phone.

"Your forehead too big.", she responded flipping Rihanna off.

"You weren't saying that when you wanted head the other day."

"Both of y'all stop.", I said chuckling and putting bey down.

We had just got done sending the kids to school and I knew it was gonna be a long ass 8/9 hours without my baby.

"What games do we have to go to today?", I asked. Speaking that it was Friday.

"Rumi has a karate match at 3:30, Autumn and summer has flag football, and winter has a debate match.", said bey looking at her calendar.

"Who's good idea was it to let babygirl join a debate team?", I asked.

"We might need a lawyer in the future.", said Rihanna shrugging.

"Really rih, our daughter?"

"Yeah someone we trust, we need to know that we ain't getting played over.", she said grabbing a bottle of juice.

"What makes you think she wants to be a lawyer.", I said.

"Munchkin let's be real here, this is our child who's been talking back since she could talk, the one who will argue her point until even you believe it's right.", say Rihanna.

"She does have a point.", laughed bey. I eventually joined her because winter does have a mouth on her.

My phone began to ring making me look and shut it off immediately.

"You good love?", asked Beyoncé.

"My mom.", I frowned.

"Don't let that affect you, we talked about her.", Rihanna said hugging me.

"I'll kill her if you want.", said bey with a straight face. Yeah that's the pain meds talking. The only thing I could do was bust out laughing.


Rihanna's POV

Beyoncé and I were on the way to meet this man about this job. Ever since what happened with Erica's people we've tried to build our security but we are to the point now where we don't have much trust for new people.

"Rih, we are here, do I need to come in?", asked Wayne while putting the car in park.

"Nah we good, stay close to the phone and keep it running.", I said pertaining to the car.

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