chapter six

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Gavi's POV:

I expected all reactions, but not that she would laugh.
Inside of me I was already preparing to be beaten.
"What are you talking about? Are you drunk?" she asked me while shaking her head and turned around with a smile, heading for the front door.
She didn't take that seriously, of course.
I held her wrist to stop her and grinned as our faces got closer.
"You're the only solution, Eliana. I mean it. I have so many scandals right now and if you become my girlfriend, everything will be fine again." I murmured, looking deep into her eyes.
Those eyes... so beautiful.
"You're crazy." she just replied to me and somehow managed to free herself from my grip, after which she disappeared.
Pedro was standing behind me and probably saw and heard everything, because he clapped his hands ironically.
"I told you to ask her differently. You're an idiot."
She can't disappear.
She's the one who can save me.
Without thinking much about it, I left Pedro alone in the room and ran out of the house, looking for her.
Fortunately, she didn't come with a car, so I already knew which way she was going and I took that one too.
After a few minutes I saw her already from a distance.

When she saw me she walked faster, but of course I was able to catch up and stood in front of her.
"Please listen to me!"
"Do you actually know how stupid you are? You're asking someone you don't even know!" she hissed with full fury and walked past me.
"This is the only solution you and I have!"
She was still ignoring me and was almost at the exit from the park.
I had no other chance but to run after her again.
"Leave me alone! How crazy can you be to offer me something like that? You having such scandals is not my problem!" she hissed and slapped my hand away when I tried to touch hers.
"I promise you, you won't lose anything."
"But my wasted time with a guy I don't even know personally!"
No matter what she says, I can't let her go.
"I'm not going to give up! I won't give up on you, Eliana!" I exaggerate on purpose.
She just laughed sarcastically, pushed me aside and kept walking.

Eliana will not be able to get rid of me so easily.
When I couldn't see her from afar, I pulled out my phone and dialed my sister's number.
"What do you want so late?" I heard her mumble and would actually laugh, but I was too tense at that point.
"Do you have Eliana's number?"
"No... why?"
"It's an emergency. Please ask Lily if she can send it to you, you send it to me then. Don't ask questions." I said nervously and texted Pedro as we hung up.
He was waiting at the agreed meeting point with his car and without saying anything, we both got in.
"So. What's your plan?"
"She's going to be my girlfriend no matter what she says."

birthday chapter 1 izanaslove

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