chapter twentyfour

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Eliana's POV:

I quickly looked around and confirmed myself that the girls weren't near me.
The weird guy was getting closer to me and when I put my hands on his chest to push him away, he pressed me against the wall.
"Get away from me!"
"First I'll get what I want and then you can go." He whispered against my ear and I could puke at that feeling.
No one was there to help me.
People were dancing, drinking and laughing while this was happening.
I was in tears when the guy started kissing my neck, although I still tried to push him away from me.
His hand kept sliding down until it reached the desired point and was about to scream, but he put his hand on my mouth.
"Dude leave her alone!"
I couldn't hear properly through the loud music, however I recognized a male voice and in the same second the guy was torn away from me.

I exhaled loudly, touched my neck and felt the trembling all over my body.
The one who luckily saved me hit the disgusting guy until he stopped moving.
The people didn't seem to care, they kept dancing around.
Two bodyguards came up to us and took the guy away, then the unknown rescuer turned to me.
"Are you okay?" he asked me worried.
I shook my head in shock, not even noticing that I was holding my breath.
I felt disgusting all over, the places he touched were tingling and it made me just want to vomit.
"Shall we go outside?"
With a nod I answered his question, texted Christina that I was going to the hotel and left the club with the stranger.
I shouldn't have trusted him, after all I don't know if he would do the same and just pretended to be a hero.
However, at that moment I needed someone by my side and someone who could protect me.
"I'm sorry you had to experience that," he broke the silence and with a faint smile I met his eyes.
"My name is Teo."
"Beautiful name, Eliana." he complimented me with a grin and we sat down on a bench.
Since I was only wearing a dress and it was a bit colder at night, he put his jacket around me, which I thanked him for.

Teo got a call and after excusing himself, he talked to someone on the phone briefly until he hung up.
"The police have been alerted and the guy is already with them as far as I know..."
He paused and looked at me silently, which made me a little nervous.
"Could I get your number to pass on to the police? They want to talk to you, but strangely tomorrow."
Again, an uneasy feeling kicked up, but as usual,
I didn't listen and ended up giving him my number.
"Do you want me to drive you home?"
"Would be very nice, but could you drop me off at the Hotel Nuevo?"
He looked at me confused, yet nodded and stood up, which I did the same.
"Don't you live here?" 
As nice as he is, his questions annoy me.
"I'm actually from Barcelona."
It finally got quiet again and after a few minutes we arrived at the parking lot where his scooter was waiting.
The ride seemed very long and the more that icky feeling came, I closed my eyes tighter and tighter.

Arrived I thanked him, also said goodbye at the same time and burst into tears in the hotel room.
What just happened? What happened to me?
That feeling... I quickly ran to the bathroom and threw up while crying in the toilet.
My phone rang several times, I thought Christina was calling me, but it was Pablo.
I couldn't talk to him like that and especially not when he didn't even know that I was going to party. He didn't know anything.
I took a shower and scrubbed the areas of my skin that felt disgusting, so hard and long, until they were already red.
After almost two hours, I laid on my bed still crying and stared at my phone.
He mustn't find out about anything, because tomorrow is his game.

The last message from Pablo made me overthink very long.
"Did something happen to you? I'm in another country, but call me anyway if you're bored or feel like it."

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