chapter nine

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Eliana's POV:

"Ah there you are! I didn't know you had a close friend!" my father called out happily and put an arm around Pablo, who just smiled at me.
At that point I felt nothing but anger.
He made a big mistake.
"Why are you just standing there like that? Make us some tea."
"I'd love to, Dad." I muttered upset and made my way to the kitchen, where I had to hold onto the table.
That nausea from the café came back again and this time dizziness too.
All I wanted to do is cry and jump out the window.
Pablo exaggerates, he exaggerates so much that he even goes to my father.
"Darling, are you okay?" I heard my mother ask worriedly and I nodded with a smile while I started preparing tea.
"Do you want me to do it?"
"No, mama. Everything's fine you can go again."
She looked at me with a worried look for the last time and finally disappeared from the kitchen.
With trembling hands I held the tray with the mugs full of tea and went again to the living room, where Pablo looked directly at me.
He couldn't take his eyes off me.
Especially not where I had to come closer to him so that he could take his mug.
"Eliana, you never told me that you had a close friend. Especially not a soccer player." my father started to speak and took a sip of tea while I took a seat next to my sister.
She just looked at me confused, probably because I never told her about Pablo.
"Ah, I didn't think it was that important." I lied and looked around with a fake smile.
"How come I never saw you guys?"
"I'm busy at the moment, that's why we don't meet at all," Pablo interjected.
"How about you guys meet up tomorrow? You can go into town or something." my father made a funny suggestion and slapped his hands together happily when Pablo agreed.
What's wrong with him? I always thought he was strict when it came to boys.
After a while he finally said goodbye to my family and pulled me into a long hug, making me feel even more uncomfortable than usual.
"I'll text you tomorrow." he whispered and then left.

It was already 3 o'clock and I still couldn't sleep.
I couldn't stop thinking about everything that had happened in the last few days.
Why does he want me so much as a fake girlfriend? I don't understand it.
There are thousands of women who would accept this offer and he knows it.
Since I gave up, I spent the rest of the time on my phone reading some news about the city, until I saw a post on Instagram again, which made me angry.
I think it's the best not to read the comments.
Since I already got a little tired, I decided to enlighten Mateo later and finally went to sleep.

The new day began with me alone at home, which is why I made my morning routine with loud music and finally cooked for myself again

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The new day began with me alone at home, which is why I made my morning routine with loud music and finally cooked for myself again.
I slept too much today for once, because today I don't have to work. I love this day.

Hey, it's Pablo, can you come out?

My avocado toast, which I was about to shove in my mouth, fell out of my hand in shock and I nervously looked at myself in the mirror.
I don't care about him now, I'm taking the toast with me.
"Hi Eliana." he greeted me with a smile and was about to hug me, however I raised my hand for him to stop.
"What did you want from me?" I asked as we started walking and finished my toast.
He, meanwhile, remained silent and looked around with a grin.
"Did you think about it?"
This time we arrived at one of the most beautiful parks I've ever seen.
"Pablo, do you actually know what all your fans say to me? I'm afraid to go out alone, because yesterday some recognized me and no one knows if they hurt me or not!" I got a little louder.
"Eliana, please! As soon as we are together, this ends immediately. I know my fans very well!
If you want the hate to end, then accept my offer!"
By his desperate look, I swallowed hard and looked at him silently.
He's right. He's absolutely right.
"I think-"
"Eliana! What are you doing with that?!"

birthday chapter 4 (end) izanaslove 😀

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