chapter twentynine

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Eliana's POV:

Although I shouldn't do it, I thought about how he was doing.
What kind of feelings I triggered in him when I texted him that message.
I ended it. I had to end it. He didn't believe me.
He wasn't there when I needed him the most.
It hurts so bad, it hurts to end something you didn't want.
To let go of a person you love so much.
For him not caring, it hurts my heart even more.
After all, he was thinking about that favor I did for him in the beginning. Before feelings came into it.
The only thing I did is lie in bed and cry, I couldn't eat right for days and sleep anyway.
The message I sent him was two days ago and the emptiness is eating me up more and more every day.
It's all a nightmare. I can't take it anymore.
As soon as I get home from work, I lock myself right in the room and stay there for the rest of the day.
No one sees me and I see no one.
Except his face in front of my eyes.
The beautiful lips.
His big eyes.
His laughter resounds in my ears and again I feel a tugging at my chest. It hurts so much.

In front of the makeup table, I got ready for work, covered my heavy dark circles with my favorite concealer and went out after half an hour.
But for this I insult myself that I left exactly at this hour.
Arrived at work, I was greeted as always with wide smiles and did what I always have to do.
Of course, I got weird looks from other employees, it was probably because of the news with me and Pablo.
But I didn't mind as long as I got my work done and was out of the drama.
At least that's what I thought.
Because after about an hour, my boss came up to me agitated and looked me in the eyes with a hateful look.
"Are you serious? No one said you should bring your drama to work!"
I put the sheets aside in confusion, peering around me, waiting for some sort of clarification.
"Look out the window."
A little slowly, I stepped forward and saw a crowd of people at our front door, shouting loudly. Oh no.
"I'm sorry. If I knew something like this was going to happen, I wouldn't come at all. That wasn't my-"
"It's the best if you never come again." she interrupted me without hesitation and shocked I looked at her.
I couldn't give an answer because it was all too fast for me.
"You're fired."
"Pack your things and get out."
She really fired me?
The staff around us watched the shocking moment, they themselves were surprised that she fired me, however, they continued to work right after the boss left.

After an hour, I was already standing by the back door with my things.
Tears were streaming down my cheeks, my heart was still beating fast and my body was shaking badly.
How will my father react to this?
It's all his fault. Your fault, Pablo.
Now I've lost my job. The only thing I had left.
I started walking, but not towards home.
I went haphazardly to the right, then to the left and straight again.
Meanwhile, it had started raining, my mascara was already smeared and I knew that my appearance looked horrible.
So did my mood.
I'm hated everywhere, the media is dragging my name in the mud and now I've lost my job too?
What did I do to deserve all this?

Still crying, I sat down on an already wet bench, set my things down next to me, and ran my hands through my hair in despair.
I was broken. Because of him.
This is all a nightmare.
He's a nightmare.
Pablo Gavi.
I didn't know how many hours went by, the only thing I did is sit on that bench in the middle of the rain and cry my heart out.
Of course I got countless calls and messages from my parents, but I didn't answer any of them.
It was also getting a little dark and colder, so I hugged myself and tried to see anything else out of the darkness.
Suddenly someone tapped me from behind and put a hand on my shoulder, which made me flinch in fright.

sorry for not uploading that much, but I'll try my best to write more and more chapters 🫶🏼

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