chapter twenty

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Gavi's POV:

From a distance we both saw Eliana with Paulo, they both looked at us in shock and this time I was shocked too.
She is good with Dybala?
And just now I embarrassed myself in front of him? You're so stupid, Gavi.
We both didn't notice that we were holding each other by the collar, that's why Eliana pulled us away and started yelling at us.
Paulo probably insulted his friend in Italian.
"Do you know how dangerous this is?! There are cameras everywhere!" he shouted angrily and slapped his friend on the forehead.
"If the bastard doesn't realize that he's hurting Eliana, what else can I do?" the asshole countered back and this time my eyes were on her.
The pretty woman looked nervous, avoiding my eye contact as she ran her hands through her beautiful curly hair.
"I know you mean it well, Emiliano. But this is between me and him."
Her I missed it.
Being lost in my thoughts, I didn't even realized that Eliana was now looking at me and she also had to wave her hand to get my attention.
"You're going with me. Paulo, it's the best that you go home. Thank you for the evening." She smiled to the Italian as a thank you, took my hand and pulled me in a direction.
Her hand fit perfectly with mine, as if it was made for it.
Through her touch I felt my heart beating fast and that I got a slight goosebumps, but pretended nothing was wrong.

"Are you kidding me?!"
Because of her we both stood in a dark alley, as far as I could still see we were even the only ones here.
"First you live like I don't exist..."
While talking she pushed me and came a little closer.
"Then I see you with your ex..." she pushed me again.
"And now you come back and fight with my friend?!"
I felt the wall against my back and couldn't answer because of shame but also nervousness.
"Emiliano should've hit your head so hard for you to come to your senses".
I would have laughed at this sentence, however I literally felt her anger and also recognized sadness in her beautiful eyes.
I always thought it was bullshit to say that you can see emotions in a person's eyes, but this time I know it's real.
Or when you have butterflies in your stomach when you are in love.
"Say something."
Eliana I can't say anything.
My heart hurts so much that I could cry.
I feel this desperation inside me, I don't know what to do.
"If you don't say anything now, I'll leave and promise you that I'll end everything. This so-called relationship will end."
Was this even a 'so-called' relationship?
A fake relationship?
Because in my opinion, everything with her felt real.

Eliana looked at me for the last time until she shook her head and turned to leave.
If she leaves now, I'll lose her.
Then why don't I dare tell the truth?
After all, what Pedro said is true.
He's right about everything.
But I only refused because I didn't want to get hurt.
A person you love has it in their hands whether you are sad or happy.
And that's what pissed me off.
But with her? I forgot all the negativity and felt only what makes me positive.
Is that what you call love?
If so I am addicted to love because of her.
But that's exactly what I didn't want.
I never wanted that in my life.

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