17. Reunion

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"What's happening?" I whispered leaning close to his ears

"I don't know, why are you asking me?" he shrugs

"I thought you would know."
We were suddenly called into an emergency meeting and were currently waiting for the operation commander to arrive and direct us.

"How would I know?" we had no idea what was going on. The doors to the meeting room opened, in came the operations commander and we all stood to salute him

"Good morning sir" we all saluted

"At ease" he commanded and we sat down

"You might be confused since we had no upcoming schedule however we received confidential information from a spy. According to him a shipment of deadly bombs, weapons and drugs will be smuggled today at noon. The area comes under our jurisdiction so it is our duty to sieze it and put those behind it in their place."

"Yes sir" we said

"We will be allotting teams to carry out the operation, those in team undercover will receive information about the smugglers and team seizure will raid and seize. The teams will be allotted after the planning, we have no time to waste."

He explained all the details we needed to be aware of and instructions to the operation.

The teams were allotted, as usual me and namjoon ended up under the same team. As according to the squad we were the indestructible duo.

We both were the Ace of our academy who till date stand strong, solo or duo doesn't matter. We always make sure to come home Victors.

For this mission we will be under the team seizure. I have the best fighting skills while namjoon is a great intellect with buff body which he knows how to use. I might not have a high IQ but I very well know how to play mind games and trick the opponent.

Any team we are in works for us, for this one we need to use our fists though which I love very much. Fighting always gives me an adrenaline boost, specially fighting for the right.

There is just something about beating up someone as a woman, who is thought of as a low life species that makes me give everyone a show that we are the most powerful creatures created, even stronger than those men who only claim but never have the guts to do anything if they ever see a woman in danger.

They will piss their pants if they have to go throw what a woman goes through all her life physically and mentally.

Anyways we were told to gear up, camaflouge and gather in respective teams. The team leaders will plan out the next part of the operation, ours being namjoon.

Namjoon's POV

Hiding within the dried grass, our faces coated with mud. Crawling towards our destination insight, a bay where numerous containers rested.

More containers kept coming in our eyes searching for a certain red, the other team has done its job now it's our time to shine. The course was clear, no guards around.

We were waiting for the go sign from team undercover, as soon as they signal, we perform our obligation. Y/n ducked beside me her eyes focused and face hiding behind the shadows with little light shining on her face showing her concentration. I love her.

I was looking at her when a slap landed on my head, turning my head side to side to see who had the audacity to slap me I found the only person capable of doing so.

"What are doing the container has arrived let's go"

Sometimes I feel like she is the leader and I am his subordinate

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