Chapter 6: Back in Business

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Winston-Winslow. Wednesday, January 17, 2007.

Neal, Henry, and Peter regrouped in the testing room of the tech section for the meeting with Travis. At White Collar, Neal's art niche had been adjacent to Travis's workstation in the tech lab. At Win-Win, the lab was run by Anna Hsu. Her team was small but they could call upon the headquarters personnel in Baltimore when needed.

Henry contacted Travis yesterday to update him on Klaus. Their most pressing need was to provide a secure way for Klaus to access the internet while allowing them to monitor his cyber activity.

Travis placed a laptop on the table. "This should fit your needs," he said. "It will track the sites Klaus visits. I assume you want the data transmitted to Anna?"

"Yes, she's already been notified," Henry said.

"Do you have any suggestions for a tracking device?" Neal asked.

Travis nodded. "A microchip embedded under his skin should provide the security Marcel needs."

Peter frowned. "Klaus will appreciate that it's not visible, but bug detectors would make him useless for undercover work."

"Not if the chip's engineered with fractal technology. We've already tested the device, and standard detectors can't pick it up. Since there are no commercial fractal detectors available, the signal should only be picked up by the chosen few who have my patented device."

Peter nodded slowly. "Very impressive." He glanced at Neal, a smile playing on his lips. It was a sign Peter suspected the Black Diamonds had taken advantage of the technology for the amber music box con, and he was right.

"Will there be any issue with providing the equipment to the French?" Henry asked.

"Not as long as they can afford it," Travis said. "I invented the technology for my company. No government contract was involved. Root32 has already established a working relationship with many foreign governments including France through the anti-malware Aidan developed to combat Rolf Mansfeld. Marcel will be able to track Klaus's position throughout the world since the signal can be linked to the same satellites used for cell phones."

"This sounds like something out of a science-fiction movie," Peter said.

Travis smiled, clearly pleased at the comparison. "I got the idea when I studied fractal transmissions during the U-boat con. Aidan's been playing with fractals for several years, first as a photographic technique and lately for programming video games. We're now collaborating on applications for our company. Speaking of Aidan, I hope you've reserved the third weekend in February for Tac-Con."

"It's already on my calendar," Neal assured him. Two years ago, Yellowface made his debut at the annual sci-fi convention.

"Aidan's been asked to present on how he made the short feature of the bee superhero as a course assignment," Travis said. "Columbia's School of Visual Arts is in charge of the arrangements."

"Richard and I will be there for the panel discussion on Yellowface," Neal said. "Aidan wants us to discuss our concept art."

"Why haven't you mentioned this?" Peter demanded, jotting down a note.

"I didn't want you to stress about wearing a costume," Neal said. "As for you," he added, turning to Henry, "there will be no repeat of your Wookiee performance."

Henry rolled his eyes. "Don't insult me. I wouldn't wear the same costume twice. Eric and I may go as space pirates. Wasn't there a movie about space pirates?"

"Several," Travis confirmed. "You can take your pick. I'll probably stick with Spock. He's a classic. It will be a big weekend," he added. "The trailer for Scima's upcoming video game Silent Planet will be shown as well as a teaser trailer for Yellowface vs. Godzilla."

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