Chapter 8: Good Times

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"So, this is your new watering hole," Diana said, surveying the pub. "You have good taste."

Jones gave a satisfied nod. The Brass Eagle had dim lighting, wood-paneled walls, comfortable upholstered booths, and the best selection of whiskeys in town. It was conveniently close to the Federal Building and not much further away from Win-Win. Like it, he and Diana were at a crossroads. He'd invited Diana to join him after work. In a symbolic gesture, he picked the booth where he and Peter had their discussion on Monday.

"What would you like to drink?" he asked. "I'm having Glencraig single malt."

Diana arched an eyebrow. "Crowley's favorite Scotch? Is that a signal?"

He tried to maintain a serious expression. "I believe it is." He was glad to see her eyes sparkle. They'd partnered on cases throughout the city. He was confident their partnership was about to go global.

"Then I'm having a vodka martini," she declared. "Shaken, not stirred, with a twist."

"That wouldn't be a reference to a certain James Bonds?"

"Why yes, Jones, I think it might." She grinned at him. "This reminds me of that Christmas party at the bank."

"Where I was a bartender, and you were a sexy elf of a waitress? I still think Neal had a role in your costume."

After the waiter took their order, Jones fell silent, mulling over how best to explain his decision.

"Who wants to go first?" Diana demanded, impatient as ever. "Or should we say it at the same time?"

"That sounds right," Jones agreed, relieved.

"I've. Decided. To. Accept. Peter's. Offer." Diana's only change was to substitute Sara for Peter.

She exhaled, a grin spreading over her face. "Cheers to our new careers!"

"To the future!" Jones agreed. "Win-Win will never be the same."

"Neither will we," she said, her eyes dancing with excitement.

When their drinks arrived, they had another round of toasts. "What was the deciding factor for you?" he asked.

"As you probably realized, I was ready to accept on Tuesday. Christie and I discussed it. Neither one of us wants to relocate. I used to think I wanted to join Organized Crime, but I had a long talk with Karen, the interim section head. The type of work they do no longer appeals to me, and I'm sure I'd butt heads with the assistant director. Karen's experiencing the same difficulties Peter did. Then when I heard Sara was spending the next couple of weeks consulting with current and potential European partners, I realized that was the life I wanted. I grew up traveling the globe with my father. I've missed it."

Diana's father was a diplomat in the State Department. She'd attended school for several years in England. The international opportunities she'd have with Sara would dance rings around any opening in Organized Crime.

"Peter pushed the right buttons," Jones admitted. "He appealed to my knowledge of the law. The type of financial investigations he'll pursue will involve a lot of gray areas. For instance, does an action warrant criminal prosecution? The freedom we'll have to operate is very attractive, but we also need to ensure we stay on the right side of the law."

"And that doesn't apply just to you and Peter," Diana said, giving him a knowing look. "I bet keeping the company's nose clean figures into the equation as well. With you and Peter at the helm of financial investigations, Win-Win's credibility will be enhanced. Your Bureau service is bound to impress corporations. In fact, I'm willing to wager you'll investigate more important cases than if you'd stayed with the Bureau." She paused to grin. "Plus, we'll get to work with the Winchesters."

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