It just came out

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My medium size sweats were hanging low my belly peeked out from under the sweatshirt. I liked the feeling it was hard and full of food. I stepped on the scale and was at 146; that food baby must weigh over 10 pounds. I thought, and the idea came back, that's just the start. I went off to sleep early.

I had nothing scheduled for Friday and just slept in, awakening at about 9 am. I had a food hangover and was a little bloated. What's for breakfast? I thought you're famished, and my stomach growled in agreement. I immediately thought of Puggelston Diner and the delicious food bar. The idea of the breakfast bar and the taste of waffles helped me get out of bed and dressed. I craved the waffles that I did not get to try yesterday. As I thought back, had Margret not scolded me, I would have tried them.

Today, I decided to weigh myself before I left but somehow forgot. I ran down to the breakfast bar the same waitress was working. "Just you today, mam," she said. I nodded, and off we went; we didn't even get to the seat. I told her I wanted the breakfast bar and coffee and Orange Juice. The bar was not as delightful as the day before, but I started with the waffles. I took the last four, the cheesy eggs and bacon on the first trip, and on the second trip got another glass of orange juice and the last of the pancakes, a ton of hashbrowns with bacon and eggs. I guess it was still early enough they brought out more pancakes. I rolled up the hash browns and bacon in the pancakes with salt and pepper with maple syrup; so delicious.

I was ravenous. I told myself I deserved to eat my fill. I ended up eating roughly eight pancakes, four waffles, six or so eggs, a ton of hash browns, a pound of bacon, and half a gallon of liquids. I was so full I had trouble getting up to walk out. My belly was peeking out from the gap between my shirt and sweatpants. I could feel the cool rush of air on my exposed belly as I walked; I thought I was going to pee myself; it was a definite turn-on. My clothing choices were limited, mostly belly shirts and low-rise pants. I made a mental note to stop at the mall for something roomier on the way home. I left the café, went out, and sat on the bench outside before making my way back to the car. An older woman was seated on the other end of the bench. I sat down somewhat gingerly with my belly straining the shirt, and she asked how far along I was. "About halfway," I said; I was thinking only halfway through the day.

I sat there for about 20 minutes. The old woman had gotten on a bus when I had a thought, Let's have a burger at Hardee's.

"I'm too full," I said. Come on; it will be fun. You have come this far; how far can you go? The next thing I know, I'm in the line at Hardee's, ordering two chocolate shakes, milk, and two bacon classic cheeseburgers with fries. I thought I was going to order one burger, and it just came out. I didn't correct myself.

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