Getting motivated

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I went to Home Depot to pick up a few things for a shelving project and talked with a lady selling tacos to support her child going to school. I don't usually eat tacos, but to help the children, I had one; it was so delicious I had another. After all, it was for the children, I reasoned. I reminded myself to keep dinner light.

I picked up chicken and spinach for a chicken salad and noticed a new salad dressing that sounded divine, I usually have oil and vinegar, but the buttermilk bacon ranch sounded good. Besides, I needed a change of pace. I also picked up a slice of blueberry pie I deserved to treat myself.

I joined a meetup group about story writing a few days ago. That meeting was coming up in the morning. I prepared for that while cooking the chicken and making the salad. When setting it out on the kitchen table, I noticed a banana in the fruit basket, reminding me I needed potassium, so I ate that along with my salad and pie dessert. I was pretty full but wanted a little something sweet, just a few bites of chocolate, and had nothing in the house. I put on my sweats and headed to the grocery store for some cookies.

I wanted to treat myself. I bought half a pie that was on night special and some fried chicken for dinner tomorrow because I didn't want to cook when something so yummy was easy to heat. I also picked up a gallon of milk and several types of cookies; I did not know what kind I wanted, and they all looked delicious.

When I got home, I opened the Entenmann's double chocolate with cream cheese and cherry cookies and had one with some milk. Oh, it was to die for, it was all I could do not to eat all 24 so delicious, but I reasoned I could have one of each of the other two as well just to see what was best. Opening the Oatmeal chip and raisin, they smelled divine and did not taste as good as they smelled. The cinnamon raisin glazed cookies were soft chewie and deliciously sweet. What has gotten into me lately? I imagined eating all the cookies and fattening myself up. Although the thought of gaining a few pounds sounded good and couldn't hurt, I was too thin for my size anyway. I was TV thin, not good. "I'm not going to eat these all tonight," I said out loud to nobody. I had one oatmeal cookie and one cinnamon raisin. As I cut a thin slice of pie, the crust broke into a bigger piece, and I decided I would have the bigger piece just because it made it even. I ended up drinking almost half a gallon of milk to water down how rich these snacks were.

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