Chapter 5

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"I can't...I can't tell you." Natsu weakly says. His eyes have so much pain in them. It scares me to see him like this. He always looks so cheerful and is always ruff housing, but now he looks broken, in pain, and frightened.
"Why can't you tell me? I want to help you." I say to him with my voice rising slightly.
"No, lucy! I can't tell you and have you putting yourself in danger!"
"I can't just leave you and the guild to sit in pain! I guess if you won't tell me then I'll ask someone else..." I stand up and pase around the room. I sit next to Natsu and look at him.
"Lucy, what are you going to do?" He questions me, worry and curiosity in his eyes.
"I'm sending you back and talking to Gray. Gemini, please turn into Gray now." I tell him with a serious voice.
"What?! No ,Lucy, wai-" He disappears without finishing.
Mira's POV:
Natsu begins to move around in his state of unconsciousness. Lisana and I carefully move him to the wall for him to be more comfortable. Once we get him to a more comfortable position he moves around even more and become more worried about him.
"No... no wait..." Natsu mumbles softly. He stirs around even more and then shoots up yelling, "No! Wait!" Everyone jumps up at the outburst and moves close to natsu.
" Guys! Give him space!" I yell to everyone in my cell. Everybody backs up and he looks at us with mixed emotions of happiness and fear. "Natsu, what happened?" I question him in a calming voice.
"I - it's Lucy. I don't know know how but, but I talked to her and it was the real her. But... but she was wounded."
He looks frightened in a way I've never seen him before. It scares me too see one of our strongest so terrafied and stiff.
"You guys! Gray's not responding. Do you think what ever happened to natsu is happening to Gray?" A member in Gray's cell shouts. As soon as we here that Natsu's face goes from stiff and terrafied, to hatred and frustration in a split second.
"Natsu..." Lisana speaks quietly, "please, can you tell us everything that happened?"
Gray's POV:
"W-w-what's going on?" I say groggily a I open my eyes. When I fully focus on where I am I realize I'm in Lucy's house. Wait, what!
"Gray? Gray are ok?" I here Lucy say to me softly.
"How?" I question her, "How am I here?" Lucy explains how I got here and that's what happened to Natsu.
"So I really am here, huh?" I ask her.
"Yeah but we don't have much time. I have an idea, but I need your help Gray."
"What's this idea of yours?"
"I'm gonna save the guild, but you can't tell anyone about this or you could be in big trouble, especially with Natsu." Her voice trails off at the last sentence. I say nothing for a little bit and her head lowers.
"I'm in."

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