Chapter 3: Smile

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~The Next Day~

"Gon! Here's the order for table 12!" Deion said handing a plate of food and a drink to Gon.

"Got it! Thanks!" Gon said taking the order before bringing the food to said table. "Here's your order ma'am!" Gon said placing the plate of food onto to the table seating a middle aged woman.

"Thank you so much young man." The woman said gratefully as Gon flashed her a smile.

"You're welcome, enjoy your meal." Gon said before turning around to walk away, but before he could step away from the table the woman began speaking to him again.

"You know, I've visited this diner quite a few times now, and never have I seen anyone smile as much as you do. You just have this... positive aura about you that's enough to brighten anyone's day. Including mine." The woman said with a sweet smile as Gon giggles and scratched the back of his head.

"Well, thank you. I'm glad I'm able to help you feel better about your days." Gon said to the woman who smiled and nodded her head.

After the brief exchange, Gon walked back to the kitchen of the diner to see Machi preparing scrambled eggs and Doto flipping a pancake. Machi saw him enter the Kitchen and call out to him.

"Yo Gon, boss wants to talk to you." Machi said in her usual monotone voice.

"Oh alright, thanks Machi." Gon said before exiting the kitchen and walking to his boss's office.

Gon walks down a hallway leading to a door at the end with a sign on the door saying 'Manager' and knocks on it once he's close enough.

"Come in." A female voice called from the inside. Gon slowly opened the door and stuck his head inside the room.

"Machi said you wanted to talk to me, Ms. Bisky?" Gon said as a young looking woman with blonde hair with curly bangs and pink eyes looked up to see Gon and smiled at him.

"Yes, come on in." The boss said, beckoning Gon to enter her office. Gon took a seat at the chair in front of Bisky's desk.

"Is there an issue Ms. Bisky?" Gon asked slightly nervous. Bisky just looked at him and giggled.

"Oh goodness, no. I just called you in because I'm going to be out of town on a business trip for a couple weeks." Bisky said as Gon let out a small sigh of relief.

"I see, well, what does that have to do with me?"

"I'm going to be placing you in charge until I get back." As soon as Bisky said this, Gon's eyes went wide to the point where they looked like they were about to pop out of his head.

"ME???" Bisky just rose an eyebrow at Gon.

"Yeahhhh? Is there is issue with that?"

"It's just... I don't know if I'm ready for that responsibility. What about Machi? She seems like a better candidate than I do." Bisky just sighs closing her eyes before looking back at Gon.

"Gon, I've seen how hard of a worker you are. As well as just being a mood lifter for a lot of the people who come to eat here. You've got what it takes Gon, and I trust you. I'm certain you'll do just fine." Bisky said, putting in unconditional amount of faith in Gon who couldn't help but be bashful at her words.

"Thank you Ms. Bisky."

"My pleasure. I'll be leaving tomorrow, but don't worry, you won't have to do much more than you already are. Just make sure everything stays in check while I'm gone."

"I'll do my best! I won't let you down."

"I know you won't. You're free to go." Bisky said smiling at Gon who nodded his head to his boss and got up from the chair exiting the room.

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