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I lay on my bed. Drowned in alcohol. My head spinning. My feet aching. I'm to young for this, my damn.

Sam had fucked shit up.

My feelings had fucked shit up.

I shift my head turning to my alarm clock. It's now 4:37am. I've gained no sleep, but minimal heartbreak. The party has ended. I gather myself, slowly heading down the stairs. Making my way to the kitchen in need for a glass of cold water, and an Advil.

Reaching the kitchen I turn the facet water onto cold, placing my cup beneath, watching the water make its way slowly into the cup. My mind wander, I'm in a daze.

Why trip over a silly boy who don't want you, who can't treat you as the bomb shit you are?

This isn't worth your time. He's not worth your time.

There my thoughts end, the cold water running over my hand, my cup overflowing.

I quickly take a sip of water, pop the pill in, chug. I repeat this process twice. My head continuing to ache. I close my eyes, holding my self up using the counter. My thoughts continued.

He don't deserve shit. You don't deserve that piece of shit.

Pull yourself together.

I'm interrupted, feeling a rush of anxiety. I quickly turn around. Quickly filling with anger.

Sam stares, confused.


"Wilkinson." I remark unemotional.

"Oh, well. Are you okay? I guess."


"Yeah, a head ache is the least of my worries."

His shoulders slumped down, slipping his hands into his pockets.

"You have to understand why I said what I did. Aniya I-."

"Sam, I don't even want to hear it."

I waved him off, hoping, somehow he'd magically get the point.

"No, you have to understa-."

"No, Sam. I get the fucking point, but why'd you have to continue acting? Acting like you might give a shit!"

My emotions had finally gotten the best of me.

"Aniya, that's such bullshit!"

He had slammed his fist into the countertop, racking his shaky hands through his hair. Ahhh, poor wilkinson.

I stood there waiting for an explanation. Minutes passed, not getting one in return. It was silent other then Sam's few remark.

"I just."

"I can't."

"Why don't you!"

I myself was fed up, to the same point as Sam. I huffed.

"Whatever Wilkinson, I don't need your petty shit! Go fuck one of them hoes you hang around! Don't speak to me unless spoken too. Continue to be an asshole."

The bitch was released. A splinter of guilt was felt.

I begin to make my way up the stairs when i had looked back to Sam, hearing him mutter under his liquor breath.

"fucking bitch."

I felt a little broken hearing those few words come out of Sam wilkinson's mouth. Then I had felt guilt. I closed my eyes making my way up the rest of the stairs. Taking long breaths, holding back tears.

what a hypocrite

I created so much drama. Why.
Sorry for not updating to often. I'm literally so busy. With work, school, huge ass test. (That I should be studying for right now, ha, that's not happening) but I love you guys to much to not update 😘
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