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It's been 2 weeks of freshman year, and I'm now known as "popular." Between, puberty hitting me like a truck during the summer, and Jack Gilinsky being my older, totally cool brother with totally cool friends. Because I hangout with Jack and his friends. Sam and Nate are really chill, and honestly amazing. I'm one of the well known freshman girls, who's friends with the totally "hot" senior guys. Some girls are envious, and some "worship" me, as though I'm the queen bee. Although girls would die to be popular, I'm not into it. I'm good with my 3 close friends. It's all chill. Since meeting Sam and Nate, they've been over after school 4 times this week. They're of hanging out with Jack either in his room or the basement. I'm sure half the time's spent smoking weed. But it's whatever.

I jog down the stairs, heading towards the kitchen. Hopping the boys didn't eat all my pickles, for that would be a bloody disaster. I'm at the bottom of the stairs, when I hear burst of laughter. Speaking of the devil. I enter confidently. "Surprise, suprise. We have Sam, Nate, and G scavenging the cupboards. Got the munchies after smoking some that Pineapple kush?" (Don't ask me how I know all this 😂) I remark, sassily.

"Aniya, shut up. And where the fuck did you hide the pickles" Jack laughs, eyes blood shot.

"Jack you touch my pickles, you'll be mopping up your own blood." I joke. All of the boys laughing. "And, don't let mom see you like that. There'll be a shitfest."

"Aye, she's gone until Tuesday. It's all chill." She left again, and as usual left without a goodbye. Sam speaks up "Aniya, we're having a party later tonight. You should hangout, not spend your Friday night as a lameass, you've been doing that for 14 years." Yeah, that's what I wanna hear. That I'm a lameass. I guess I'm just butthurt.

"Okay, whatever. She's never here anyways. Nothing like a real mother." I mumble. "And I'll always be a lameass. Better then a drug addict." I smile weakly. "Sam what the fuck." Both Nate and Jack yell lightly.

"Yo, Aniya." Sam begins to speak. I turn my back on them. Sam, making me feel self conscious. I can't lift my gaze off of the floor. Walking out of the kitchen, jogging to my room. I sit at my desk, turning on my computer, getting ready to write, and spend my Friday night as a total lameass. Alone, exactly how I like it.

Opening a tab for music, there was a knock on my bedroom door. "Yeah?" I question. Being irritable I responded, with my question not being answered. Not knowing who was knocking. "Come in." The response came out quit harsh. I didn't care.

My door opened, I continued to open Microsoft Word. "Aniya." It was Sam. I didn't turn to face him, afraid I would say some shit I didn't mean. "Aniya, could you look at me?" I was being a little bitch, ignoring him.

The silence began to deepen, as I began to type. From behind me, I heard foot steps, then the bang of my door. Figuring Sam had left. I opened the music tab, turning the volume up completely, and began typing, furiously. Lost in my words.

I was startled by the breathing in my ear. I Jumped out of my chair, heart racing.

"Sam! What the hell, I thought you left. You scared the shit out of me." I whispered harshly. Making my voice horse.

Sam took a step. Close enough I could see the freckles on his face. He reached out to hug me. I, denying his grasp. Feeling awkward. His gaze shifts slightly, not able to look me in the eye, he says. "Aniya, I'm sorry. I didn't mean it. Honestly." I grew mad. "So why would you say it?!" I demanded.

"Because I, I don't know why." He racks his hand through his hair. What?! "Sam, there was a reason you said it. But whatever." I walk past him, back towards computer. "Aniya." I don't want to regret my actions. "Aniya!" He has become frustrated. "Aniya! Please just forgive me! Talk to me. This shouldn't piss me off, you ignoring me." I, myself have become frustrated.

"So why do you? Why does it? Why does it get to you?! It shouldn't piss you off, like you yourself said!" I yell. He's pacing between my bed and the door. A sign of question on his face.

"It pisses me off because I shouldn't care. Because you're 15, and I'm 17. Because I can't let a girl get to me! Especially a girl 3 years younger then me!" His eyes went wide. My jaw dropped. And with that. Was awkward silence. Soon ended by the sound of my door closing shut. This time, he was really gone.

Did he just admit he had feelings for me? I must be taking this all out of proportion. He can't possibly have real feelings for me. Not Sammy Wilkinson.

I contemplated these feelings, and his words for what seems like forever. After some time I decided Sam didn't really have feelings for me. That I was taking every word out of proportion, and so, I continued to live my simple lameass Friday.


Long chapter.
Hope you enjoyed loves 😘
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More drama filled chapters,
soon to come.

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