𝐭 𝐰 𝐨: strawberries

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THREE WEEKS HAVE PASSED and since then your vocabulary and pronunciation have started to elevate compared to how you slurred and can barely mumble your words right, though your goal was to befriend Shuntaro, he hasn't shown up since your first meeting and it made you quite sad.

Only when his father had to come in and tell the boy to come out is when you get to talk to Shuntaro but even so, Shuntaro always seems so distant and finds a way to avoid you as far as possible.

You have no one to showcase your improvement, not even your parents. It was reasonable for your father not to hear your progress, but your mother barely even noticed a thing. With the same book that Shuntaro has given you at hand with a container of strawberries you proudly grew yourself, you walk into the Chishiya's abode.

Still not seeing the sight of the little boy, you look at his father and bow. "Good morning, Master Chishiya." Without looking, Master Chishiya nods his head, not giving a reply – similar to your mother.

"Shuntaro is upstairs."

"But he never opens his door." Your voice quivers, feeling intimidated again. Though you slightly warmed up to the father and got used to his cold demeanor, you were still intimidated.

He sighs and looks up at you, almost as if he was glaring at you for disturbing him from whatever he was doing with those files of papers. "I'll call him." 

Leaving your parents to do whatever they are tasked to do as suppliers to the Chishiya's company which was bringing in their crops that includes grown and developing chemicals into the storage which is hidden at the back of Master Chishiya's home. You and Master Chishiya head upstairs.

You knocked first and Shuntaro already knew it was you. He didn't reply and you only looked up at Master Chishiya with a pout. He sighs. "Shuntaro. Let Y/N in your room."

Without a minute passed as a waste, the door unlocked and opened, revealing a quite messy-haired Shuntaro in his pajamas. It made you giggle. He glares at his dad and his dad did nothing back but turn his back and walk the other way, continuing whatever he was doing before you interrupted.

When you make your way into Shuntaro's room, it felt like eye candy to you as your eyes look around the somewhat bland room. The reason for it being eye candy to you is that you don't have a room of your own, you sleep with your parents.

The off-white walls are barely decorated and seem to be the same color as his bed sheets and pillows. He has a singular desk that can take up two adults with some books on the side. You liked it.

"You're working for my dad, aren't you?" You bat your eyes back to Shuntaro, visibly confused as you clutch the two things in your hand while he tries to wake himself up.

"My parents are working for your dad, yes." You answer, feeling proud with your new vocabulary and improve of pronunciation. Shuntaro side eyes you when he looks over his shoulder,

"Not bad."

You grin, feeling content with that. "But if your parents are working for my dad that means you're working for my dad."

You shake your head, disagreeing with him. "No, I am not. I'm a child and children can't work."

"Apparently not in child labor." The boy mumbles under his breath.

"What's that?" You ask, tilting your head and Shuntaro only shakes his head, dismissing you. "It's nothing – well, my dad put you in this room for a reason."

"And what would that be?"

"I don't know but I already told him I don't like you and that I want you to get out of my face. You're annoying." He then yawns, stretching his little arms up, his shirt almost showing his lower abdomen until he puts his arms back down.

You pout and lift the container of strawberries. "But I brought snacks and I improved my use of words! I wanna show it to you."

Shuntaro turns around and tilts his head since he doesn't know how to control the muscles of his eyebrows just yet. "You brought snacks?" He questions and looks at your hand that held the container of strawberries. You opened it and took one, lifting it to your lips.

"Yeah, I brought –" He snatched your strawberries, munching on them in an instant. "Hey! That was my strawberry! You could've asked me for one!" You complained with a loud voice but he just shrugs it off and takes the container from you.

As he eats with the strawberry in his chubby cheeks, he looks at you. "It's in my tummy now. Go get it." He takes another strawberry and eats that one too in one bite.

"Hey... that's not fair now. You ate it already! At least leave some for me!"

"Not my fault you're a slow pig. Maybe if you aren't a slow pig, you can get some for yourself." He eats another strawberry.

"That's just mean! And slow down, won't ya? You might choke yourself." You grumble, clearly upset but still caring for his well-being as you search around for any tumblers just to see a Superman-designed tumbler and grabbed it. "Here. Drink some water before you choke yourself." You visibly roll your eyes.

He rolls his eyes, taking the tumbler from you without a thank you. You tilt your head, looking slightly annoyed by his lack of manners. "No thank you?"

"Whatever. You got any more strawberries?" He asks, munching on another strawberry that you're convinced you wouldn't get to eat one. You sigh, slumping your shoulders.

"Yes but they're not grown yet."

"Well when they are, give me."

"Not until you say you're my friend and that you will listen to how much I have improved in pronouncing words!" You point your finger at him, feeling smart as you grin at the boy.

He shrugs his shoulders though and didn't bat an eye at you before munching his strawberries, this time much slower. You groan.

You stomp your foot and cross your arms. "No strawberries then."

"Well, your parents work for my father, so really, you are gonna give me strawberries if I ask for some."

"You're a meanie!"

"I don't care. You're annoying but you don't see me whining about it."

Visibly disappointed, you didn't get to read him your improved vocabulary and did your best to farm, plow, and take care of your strawberries just to give them to someone who does not want to be your friend in the first place like luring someone with money on a string.

But that's alright because in your recent school people wouldn't bat an eye at a kid like Shuntaro who resembles so much like you. So to pay it forward, you're taking that step now. At least Shuntaro wouldn't have to feel alone like you do in your school.

𝐬𝐦𝐨𝐤𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐦𝐢𝐫𝐫𝐨𝐫𝐬Where stories live. Discover now