Page 8. We Can Get Stronger!

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Captain Fuegoleon had the Magic Knights spread out across the capital to fight the enemies and protect the civilians. He and Noelle went to the northern district to find Asta and Leopold.

(Y/n) himself was actually out running along rooftops and doing his best to help out the citizens under attack. The enemies he fought weren't exactly human. They were humans, yet they were neither dead nor alive. Their hollow sunken eyes, decaying flesh, putrid smell, and rotted teeth ready to munch down on anyone were what scared everyone.

However, (Y/n) himself remained calm and confident even in the face of such vile creatures. It wasn't just to show off for the people, but for some reason, he felt like he had seen such creatures plenty of times. Almost to a point where they were oversaturated, and he became desensitized to them. Perhaps that's how it was in his previous life. A life he was still unaware he had.

(Y/n) kept up his patrol and acts of heroism before deciding to take a quick break. He stood atop a church and looked out to see many districts on fire with black smoke climbing up to the sky. He wiped some sweat off his brow and took in a deep breath before continuing his work.

As the other Magic Knights spread out, they faced the enemies and were surprised to see them being able to stand even after destroying some limbs. (Y/n) was able to permanently put them down by crushing their heads into a bloody puddle. It was a gruesome sight, but he held no reservations of killing the undead.

Fuegoleon and Noelle were riding a giant fire lion construct as they searched for Leopold and Asta.

Noelle:"There's so much destruction..."

Fuegoleon:"Indeed. Whoever snuck in must have really charted out their plans. But this only further exemplifies the fact that we need to crush the scoundrel who did this!"

Noelle:"Wait! Look!"

Fuegoleon halted his magic construct and looked over to his right to see piles of fallen undead. Their dark colored blood collected into a puddle as Fuegoleon pondered.

Fuegoleon:"That other Black Bulls boy, (Y/n) was it?"

Noelle:"Yeah? What about him?"

Fuegoleon:"He said he was just going to go around and evacuate people. He must've passed through here then. At any rate, let's hurry and find my brother and your squad mate!"

They took off once again as Noelle looked up to the sky.

Noelle: Be safe (Y/n).

(Y/n):"Blaze Kick!"

(Y/n)'s foot was engulfed in fierce flames as he kicked a monster's head right off and watched it fly into another one and cause both to explode into pieces. Their headless bodies fell to the floor, and he smiled.

(Y/n):"You're safe now!"

He looked over his shoulder to see two small kids cowering in fear before stepping out hesitantly. They quickly rushed over to him and held onto his pant legs tightly.

Kid 1:"Thank you, mister!"


Kid 2:"You're a Black Bull. I didn't know they had someone so cool and brave like you on their squad!"

(Y/n):"I appreciate the compliment. Anyway, I'm going to take you somewhere safe. Got it?"

Kid 1:"Our home is in the west district!"

He nodded before picking the kids up and carrying them over his shoulders. He jumped up onto a roof and began to run towards the west district.

With Noelle, they reached Asta and Leopold and watched them fend off the monsters and also the mage who was seemingly controlling them.

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