Page 10. Eye Of The Midnight Sun

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(Y/n), Asta, and Leopold were fending off the new mages as Noelle stayed by Fuegoleon. But Asta and Leopold were still weakened from earlier, so they got caught slipping and were struck by a wind spell. This knocked them out, and (Y/n) was the only one standing.

Noelle:"Asta! Leopold! Please say something!"

Mage 1:"Hmph! Even with that anti-magic sword, it's nothing when he can't overcome all of us!"


(Y/n):"Keep talking all you want. My friends put up a better fight than Rades over there!"

Rades:"What did you say?!"

(Y/n):"You heard me, coward! You started crying and throwing a fit when you got captured, and when Fuegoleon looked at your grimoire! Asta and Leopold fought their hearts out. And I'll do the same! So bring it on!"

Rades:"Grrr! Shut that brat up!"

In an instant, (Y/n) appeared by Rades and decked him across the face and made him crash into a pile of fallen wraiths. The other mages were in shock as Noelle gasped.

(Y/n):"What's the matter? I thought your power was phenomenal!"

Mage 2:"Take this!"

A series of roots burst from the ground and tried to crash into (Y/n), who raised one leg and smirked.

(Y/n):"Blaze Kick!"

His foot was engulfed in flames, and he kicked the roots so hard they exploded into ash.

Mage 1:"Take this!"

He shot out wind spirals that put down Asta and Leopold, but (Y/n)'s grimoire flipped pages and he shot out his hand and released a spell that froze the wind completely into solid ice.

Mage 1:"Ice magic?! But you just used a fire spell!"

(Y/n):"That's the thing about me... I'm not chained down by a single magic type. I've got plenty up my sleeves. So I've got plenty of ways to get some good hits in for Fuegoleon! Discharge!"

He released a massive burst of electricity that hit all the mages for great damage.

Rades:"What?! No! Where was this kid hiding?! No one told me about him!"

Mage 3:"Ooh! So many magics! I want to dissect him up, too!"

(Y/n):"Come on, punks! Didn't you want to kill us?!"

The mages backed up, and (Y/n) got ready to attack once again, but something crashed down by him. Everyone gasped and saw that it was the Magic Knights that were teleported away.

Noelle:"You're back!"

Mimosa immediately ran over to Fuegoleon and did her best to heal him as Klaus checked on Asta.

Klaus:"How could someone bring down some strong fighters such as these three? Just who are they?!"

Nozel:"We'll find out soon enough!"

He launched a barrage of magic at them, but one of the mages used her magic to create a giant salamander and used a magic item to boost its attributes to absorb the magic attack.


Mage 3:"Ooh, one more thing!"

The salamander stepped on Asta and trapped him a strange bubble as it floated over to them.

Nozel:"What are you planning on doing with him?!"

Mage 3:"It's a secret~"

Mage 1:"Remember this Magic Knights, we are the Eye of the Midnight Sun! And we will bring the Clover Kingdom to its knees!"

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