Page 13. Three-Leaf Sprouts

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Over at the Black Bulls' Hideout, Sekke flew in on his broom to notify them of the backup call. They were closer to Magic Knights Headquarters than any of the other squads, but no one was answering the call, so he decided to ask them in person. The door was left ajar, and so he stepped inside, and the giant dirty living room gave off an eerie vibe as no light was present.

He walked around before Gordon stood behind him and tried introducing himself. Sekke thought Gordon meant him harm and screamed in terror before backing away from him. Gordon followed Sekke as he kept yelling before Sekke encountered Gray. With another scream of terror, Captain Yami stepped out from the halls and told Sekke to shut up.

Yami didn't know who Sekke was and assumed he was there to collect a bar tab of his. Sekke tried to reason with him and get him to understand what was going on, but Yami just squeezed his head and talked over him.

Your POV

?:"Neige, don't stand around like an idiot! Help me out here!"

The big guy with glasses called out to the scrawny mage with white hair.


He created more snowmen who tried to attack Asta.

Gauche:"These guys again? Reflect Refrain!"

He used one mirror to shoot out a beam of light that blasted through one snowman before hitting a different mirror and blasting through another. It continued onward for a bit as it completely destroyed them all.

Gauche:"Are you done yet?"

Gauche began to walk towards Neige, who only backed up in fear.

Gauche:"Die, feeble little wretch."

Neige used a binding spell that trapped Gauche in a ton of snow that lifted him several feet off the ground.

Asta:"Don't worry, Gauche! We'll save you!"

Gauche:"Save me? If you're trying to show off for Marie, it won't work!"

"Dude! Seriously?!"

Gauche:"I got everything under control. Or rather... we do."

Neige was suddenly shot in the back as he fell over. Behind him stood another Gauche.

Neige:"How are there... two...?"

Gauche:"Mirror Magic: Real Double."

Gauche explained that with this spell, he summons a version of himself from the mirror world.

Asta:"Okay, your magic is officially awesome, Gauche!"

It is pretty interesting, and no doubt Gauche knows how to use magic in a fight. I just wish he wasn't such a weirdo. He put down Neige as Asta turned his attention to Baro. He stormed over before grabbing by the collar of his shirt.

Asta:"How could you do something so screwed up?! You stole... their magic! Can you imagine if someone had taken yours?!"

Baro began to laugh.

Baro:"Except they didn't know, did they? If a bunch of snot-nosed brats lose their magic, that's their problem, not mine."

This set Asta off as he reeled his fist back and had a severely angry look on his face.

Asta:"Why you...!"

He threw a punch, but at the last minute, Sister Theresa called out to him, and he punched the wall by Baro's and cracked it greatly.

Asta:"The pain you're is nothing compared to what you deserve. You will find a way to fix this."

Theresa:"That's enough. Don't waste your energy on him. He's not worth the effort. What's important now is taking care of the children."

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