Chapter 2. Antonio's ceremony

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Mirabel and Antonio walked down the stairs, holding hands. Antonio's parents and siblings were already waiting for him in front of some red curtains made out of flowers. They all calmed down when they saw them.

- Ha Ha Ha, there you are - Félix said, hiding how worried he was a second ago.

- Look at you, all grown up. - Pepa said, releasing a small, joyful raincloud in her pride.

- Pepy, Amor, you're gonna get him all wet. - Félix tried to chase the cloud away.

- You are making your papa proud - Camilo said, with a funny voice, turning into a miniature version of their padre, emitating him, holding Antonio's cheeks.

- I don't sound like that - Félix reacted to his hijo's joke.

- "I don't sound like that" - Camilo made the scenne even funnier, with an even higher pitched voice, in the main time, helping Antonio calm down a little with giving him a brief laugh.

Mirabel was watching the scene from the side. It brought up some uncomfortable memories for her. She was proud of Antonio, of course, but still. It was a sensitive moment for her. But she has to stay strong, for Antonio's sake.

- Abuela says, "It's time." - Dolores said, excited for her little hermano.

- We'll be waiting at your door. – Pepa said, giving Antonio a kiss on his forehead.

- Okey, okey! Vamo! Vamo! Vamo! - Félix said, hurrying the family.

- "Okey, okey! Vamo! Vamo! Vamo!" - Camilo copied his padre's movements, still with the high pitched voice, and the miny Félix. Suddenly, the real Félix got him up from the ground - Okey! Okey! I'm done! - Camilo said, with a surprised face. The whole scenario made Antonio feel loved and supported by his familia.

From the background, Abuela's voice was audible. Antonio looked at Mirabel, who smiled at him with pure pride in her eyes.

All of a sudden, the curtains opened, revealing a huge crowd. It seemed like nobody wanted to miss the first ceremony in 10 years and see for themselves if he even got a gift or not. They were all cheering for him. In the background, it was noticeable that some people were whispering.

Antonio just stood there, looking forward, not moving. Even Casita tried to convince him, but with no success. He was too scared. Mirabel looked at him with surprise in her eyes.

All of a sudden, Antonio looked at her, then held his hand out in her direction, surprising the crowd.

- I can't. - Mirabel told her little primo with worry in her voice.

- I need you. - Antonio replied, with a scared expression.

Mirabel had no choice but to give in. The town's people were shocked to see Mirabel walk right next to Antonio. Abuela was surprised and furious, but couldn't do anything about the situation.

Antonio was almost glued to his prima's arm, looking at her, hoping to gain strength. Mirabel had no idea what she's even doing. What if she really is the cause of the problem, and Antonio doesn't get a gift because of her?

- Come on. Let's get you to your door! - Mirabel said, looking at a frightened Antonio. She took a deep breath and started walking.

The whispers were getting louder and louder. Most of the Madrigals were worried, while Abuela was simply mad, and Isabela just rolled her eyes.

While walking, Mirabel had flashbacks about her own ceremony. Sne almost relived the entire scenario, except she didn't feel the same excitement she did back then, the wonder of what might be waiting for her on the other side of that door.

She saw the door disappear, everyone worried, and the shame that came after. The sad nights, the scoldings for trying to help, the shame in Abuela's eyes, every time the topic of her not having a gift came up.

She suddenly realized that Antonio was about to open his door. When he touched the doorknob, a toucan flew onto his arm. It seemed like the bird was communicating with him.

- Aha, aha. I understand you. – Antonio answered to the bird with exitement. Everyone was stunned. A toucan was speaking to Antonio. Everyone was revealed, but somehow, Mirabel's smile wasn't as true as she wanted it to be. - Of course, they can come!

As Antonio said that, a bunch of animals started to run into Casita, almost as if they were aware of Antonio's gift, before he got it and were waiting for him to say that. Birds, mamelas, and everything else that lives in the jungle that surrounds Encanto. The shining door changed and revealed the image of Antonio with multiple animals around him.

- We have a new gift! - Abuela yelled, happily, and relieved.

When Antonio opened the door, it revealed a jungle-like area, with trees, water, and everything one could imagine. It started off as any other bedroom, but slowly the wallpaper's stripes turned into bambo and the floor tiles turned into stone. It was a truly magical room.

- It's bigger on the inside? – A little girl yelled with a surprised tone.

Suddenly, a jaguar ran through the door, taking Antonio onto its back and running through the whole room, almost as if it was showing him around. When they got back to the door, everyone was congratulating Antonio, with pride and good wishes. Meanwhile, the jaguar made a circle around Augustin, scaring him just a little bit, then letting him pet it.

- A gift, just as special as you. - Mirabel's heart stopped for a second. These were the exact same words Abuela told her on her big day. - We need a picture! - Abuela yelled, filled with joy and pride.

Mirabel tried to get close to the family but was pushed back by the town's people. She tried to wave at them to wait for her, and...

Everyone, together! – Abuela was audible.

La Familia Madrigal! – everyone exclaimed proudly.

Another perfect family portrait, filled with magic and wonder. Without any misery or any trouble.

And without Mirabel.

When was the last picture taken that she was a part of again?

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