Surprise Text

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Peter's POV

It was monday, Peter woke up 7 a.m., did his daily stuff, put on a dark jeans and a baggy sweatshirt with some Star Wars pun and went to the kitchen, mr Thomas was already up, he just glared at Peter and turned to look at the TV again, Peter shivered and ran to get the bus for school.

When he got in the bus, he took a seat next to Ned

"Peter: Hey man!"
They greeted each other while doing their special handshake
"Ned: Hey dude"

"MJ out of nowhere: 'Sup losers"

"Peter: H-hey MJ" - he blushed a little

At school when they already were in the science class:

"Mr Harrington: Class today we're having a surprise test!!"

Everyone groaned at this exciting news

Mr Harrington hands out the tests, he looks at the clock
"You can start now"

It was a 100 questions test, it was 50 to mark and 50 to write, after twenty-eight minutes Peter was already in the middle of the test, the last mark question had five options but none of them was 100% right, so Peter made a circle around the number of the question and continued answering the rest of the test, when he finished he came back to that question and made a new formula that he had created, he knew that it would be wrong but wanted to try.

He was the first one to finish the exam in fifty-three minutes, he wrote the time that he did the test above his name, gave it to the teacher and got out of the classroom, he waited in the canteen (I forgot how Americans call the place where they eat, so I googled it, but it told me 'Canteen' and 'Lunchroom'), then MJ and Ned were the seconds to finish and went to the refectory too, they sat with Peter and they talked until the lunch time.

The rest of the day went normal and calm, for Peter's surprise, but at the end of the school day Parker's Luck had to strike as always..

"Flash: Hey Parker!"

Peter ignored it and kept walking but Flash pushed him against the lockers

Then he punched him in the face, then in the stomach, and his goons helped him

Peter couldn't hit him back, if he did he would just find someone else to pick on, someone who wouldn't have super healing and super strength..

"Flash: Never ignore me again, Penis!"

Peter was almost sure he had broken at least a rib and totally sure he had a black eye and many other bruises.

He grabbed his backpack and went to patrol, he webbed the backpack at the top of the school, and swung searching for crimes

He fought the daily, and at the end of the day he received a cupcake from an old lady, he seated on the top of the Empire State Building and observed the view, then his phone buzzed, it was the group chat

Hey did you you hear about
the guy who invented the
knock-knock joke?

He won the 'no-bell' prize

Magic Winx
.....didn't see
that coming

I went to a wedding
these days, it was
so beautiful

Even the cake was in tiers

What do you call
a fake noodle?

An Impasta

Tin Can

Angry Bird
I don't trust stairs

They're always up to something

Jesus Cyborg
Help me--

Strawberry Lady

Goodnight everyone

Go sleep kid

Ohh all of you are
holding the laugh

But good night

Everyone including Peter said good night


Hey everyone!! Hope you liked that chapter, idk what was that end, I'm tired, and out of ideas because it's late so, yeah, but anyways, byee, keep safe!!

Remembering that English isn't my first language sooo it may have wrong grammar!!
And sorry for the short chapter, byeee!!

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