Dear Emma

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I need your help. I seem to have found myself under some sort of curse from the Dean of evil herself. I don't why she chose me to curse, perhaps because I teach spellwork, but I can't explain what is happening any other way.

Everytime she is near me it's like I'm under a spell.

I would do anything that she wished, I would follow her for all eternity as long aher attention was always on me. I enjoy sitting next to her, or standing, or listening to her speak, or even simply existing near her.

When I am away from her I feel my heart clench and beg for me to return to her side. My mind conjures images of her in my sleep so I cannot even escape her then.

My eyes follow her every movement. My ears are always listening for her voice. My nose can always catch her scent no matter how faint it is. My hands always want to pull her close. My lips... Well, I'd rather not discuss those neverish thoughts with you.

That's what this must surely be. She has given me some sort of potion or cursed me in my sleep to me into a never. Why, though? Why me? Why not Clarissa? Surely if she has perfected a curse to change an ever into a never then Caleissa would be its best target. Not some clumsy old ever who doesn't even hold a title.

I feel like I need to speak with you about this as you are the only one I want to talk to about this. Since the unification, if I were to talk to anyone, they would just assume that I'm trying to blame her for some scheme because I want the old ways back. I do but I wouldn't sink to never lows to do it.

Please, either tell me how to fix this or help me find a way to. I don't want to feel like this anymore, it's painful when I'm not with her and it's going against all of my instincts. I need help before I do something truly foolish like ask to be her friend or ask her to the ball.

Could you imagine what that would do to my image? It would cause carnage. It would cause uproar. Especially considering you're the only one who knows my... preference.

Will you join me in my chambers for tea after dinner this evening? Would seven be a good time. I'll provide the biscuits, even get out some of my pineapple tarts for you.



Perhaps writing that God forsaken letter was a mistake. It was an impulsive decision from her late last night, early this morning?, so that maybe she could figure out what the redhead had done to her.

Anemone was the only person she could go to who wouldn't just accuse her of trying to disrupt the joining process. To be fair, she had tried to in the past, but those days were behind her. While she adamantly hated all things never, she wouldn't disrupt something that obviously made Clarissa happy.

If it wasn't for Clarissa she would still be under her evil parents' care, she owed the woman her entire life and career. While being broken for parents meant that she abdicated the throne and any title she would ever hold, it gave her freedom.

If Caleissa hadn't become her fairy godmother then she would be married off to some Prince and had children pooping out of her like she was a rabbit. No thank you, she was perfectly happy being a teacher.

Though her parents may disagree she supposed that it made her like her job even more. Thanks to her so many young evers had become sorcerers for the purpose of the greater good. Merlin would be proud.

She did truly enjoy her job and being surrounded with so many young minds filled a hole in her heart she didn't even know existed. Her want for a child.

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