Dear Rosalina

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You need to pick a side and stick to it. Either you hate all nevers or you've finally caught up with the times and don't hate them anymore.

What you are describing seems to be a crush on red. Let me just say, what the actual fuck!?

You exploded on her, made everyone hate you, somehow convinced me to talk to you again and then a week later you sent me a letter telling me of your deep desire for the drama queen in grey.

Pick an opinion and stick to it.

Of all the people you could have developed feelings for, you had to pick the child torturer, the one who will most likely break your heart, the one who would kill you.

Then again, considering that it seems she shares your fucked up feelings im assuming that hse would actually kill for you, seems like a Lesso thing to do, She is a woman who beats children in her torture dungeon for fun , so, given your little fascination to dark things, im not surprised.

You seem like the type of person to speak out against her behaviour but then sit there and watch with a snack as she is in her doom room with students.

Actually, you and Lesso being together would bring the two sides together, so, if you want to prove that you are all for the unification then i would say go for it.

I will be here when she breaks your heart to mend it.

If this ends up like it did with Lady Anne, I'm going to laugh in your face. I hope you know how bad of a decision this is but you need to talk to her.

If these feelings are going to go anywhere you need to talk to her, talk to her about how you feel, about how you want her, about how you were wrong about nevers but most importantly how you want it to work out.

Trust me, you're not the first member of staff to have feelings for her so tread carefully, she had gone through this, but with them they were male and I feel as if Lady Lesso isn't exactly into that. I don't know. Just go and talk to her.

Just remember to not be weird, don't talk about your cat. Let her gently discover your weirdness, if you bombard her she will most likely become either concerned or not sure about you.

Talk to her,


Rosalina sighed as she removed her reading glasses and placed them down on her desk, of course she was disappointed in her. She also had a feeling that this would end the same way that her feelings for Lady Anne would.

Even the feelings that she never told Emma for fear of judgement like Maleficent or the Evil Queen or the Queen or Hearts or Ursula or... okay, she had a type. Obviously.

Circe meowed up at her from her lap and she chuckled. "Alright, sweetheart, it's obviously time for bed. I'll put you down."

The teacher stood up and walked toward her deep mulberry clad bed before placing her companion on one of the pillows. She watched for a few moments as the cat twirled around on the pillow and pushed it with her paws before finally deeming it fit to lie down and close her eyes.

Rosalina moved away from the bed toward her wardrobe and picked out her sangria nightdress before going to her pile of clothing at one side of the room. It had been a stressful day, she deserved to be lazy until tomorrow.

Her ball gown hit the floor and her slip fell with it before she stepped out of her heels and peeled down her stockings before she threw her nightdress over her head and smoothed it out with her hands.

As she went to lift the covers to slip under them but was met with a judgemental look, she held up her hand and placed her feet under before quickly pulling the duvet up around her. "If I knew that you would be such a queen when grown then I would have named you Hera."

She picked up the brush on her bedside table and took out the ribbon holding her hair in place. "I don't know what to do, I mean, Emma is right... I need to talk to her but honestly, im fucking terrified."

The cat tilted her head. "I don't know why, I just... I don't want my heart to be broken again. You know, with Anne it was mainly her duties and people who respected her who pulled her away but, I think it's the experience that made me so anxious."

She started pulling the brush through her blonde locks as she looked at her reflection in the mirror placed across from her. "I mean, she probably doesn't even feel anything for me. Even if she does, the feeling is probably hated over my actions."

The brushing started to grow more aggressive. "She only acts like she likes me to keep the peace and keep Clarissa happy. If she feels anything for anyone then it's Clarissa. Have you seen those two together? They feel like a married couple."

The cat nudged her hand. "No, you're right. I need to sleep on it. I'll have my choice tomorrow."

As she tied her hair up in the purple ribbon she smiled at the cat. "While you can just lick yourself clean I have to actually take care of my hair. Sleep little miss perfect and I'll join you soon."

The cat laid her head down and Rosalina sighed. She knew that she needed to talk to Lesso about these stupid feelings swirling inside her but she was terrified. Even if she did return her feelings, their relationship would never be the same. It was barely scratching friendshi[p as it was.

She looked down at the cat and pet her gently behind her ears with a small smirk. Honestly, I have really lost it, talking to a sleeping cat. I think I'll take Emma's suggestion of going to see her friend. Now, I need to sleep before I start doing something even weirder."

The brush was down on the bedside table and Rosalins laid back onto her pillow with a small sigh. The duvet was pulled over her until just the top of her head was visible and she forced herself to sleep.

Tomorrow was going to be a fun day.

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