Dear Clarissa

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I have made a severe mistake.

When your spellwork teacher exploded at me during that meeting a while back I thought that she hated me. Everyone did, but then again who wouldn't? She called us disgusting creatures after all.

Then she appeared in my office the next day with an apology ready. I couldn't rally her up or upset her and she just stood there taking everything that I threw at her. I found it quite annoying that I couldn't get to her so I settled on electrocuting her instead.

From that day on I noticed the effort she went through to try and make it up. I must admit that she is a brilliant baker and she is quite helpful on painful days.

Then I noticed how she would flush and smile and grin and smirk at me when we were near each other, so I started sharing my own with her which seemed to always get a confused reaction out of her. Like she was expecting it or she was debating the meaning of it.

I thought it would be humorous to tease her with discreet touches and whispered words but I think that I made a severe mistake. She did it back and suddenly I've found myself unsure of the development in our rocky relationship.

I find myself watching her, listening to her, waiting to touch her and feeling as if all I want to smell is the perfume that she insists on wearing. I believe that I have something so ever like that I believed it would never happen to me.

I believe that my feelings have grown from platonic to romantic and I'm not quite sure what to do about it.

I have never felt this strongly like this for someone before, I started flirting because I thought it was funny. I then made the mistake of enjoying it too much.

I would 'forget' to eat breakfast because I knew that she would give me a raspberry tart or two because she quickly learned that they're my favourite. I knew that if I swayed while standing near her then I would feel the arms loop around me to keep me steady. I even once left my cane on purpose after a meeting so that she would walk me the entire way.

I feel as if that interaction was a small pinch of awkward for her but I enjoyed it. I enjoyed it Clarissa. There is nothing else that this could be, I know what I've done and I am absolutely terrified for the consequences.

Please help me understand what to do next. The only way I knew what this was is because of your many crushes over the years that I've had to hear about. You are the reason that I know what I'm feeling so I'm hoping that you can help me decide what comes next.

Please help me.



Leonora sighed as she sat in bed that night, why she had sent that goddamn letter she had no idea but she felt as if she needed to tell someone.

She had helped Clarissa with her crush on Princess Sophia and Lady Anastasia so surely it was just returning the favour. The only reason Clarisa had come to her is because she felt as if she liked women, whatever that meant.

She pulled her hair behind her head and secured it with a black ribbon as she thought through how Clarissa could possibly respond to her letter. Would she be happy, confused, angry, shocked, uncomfortable or intrigued?

She pulled the covers around herself and lowered her head as stared at the ceiling like she usually did every night with her many anxious thoughts swirling around her head.

What was she ong to do if she had to see Rosalina the next day? What was going to happen to her heart if it was broken again? This was the first time in decades she had feelings for someone and her dumbass heart had to go for an ever.

It was the spellwork teachers fault, she should have just taken the apology and been done with her. It was the blonde's fault because she was trying so hard and was constantly in her presence. It was the ever's fault that her heart was pulled towards those small acts directed at solely her.

She turned her head toward the window and looked over at the school for good with a frown. The fairy godmother's light was still on which meant that she had most likely already read her letter and was already judging the dean of evil, fantastic.

Then another light switched on and Leonora wished she didn't immediately know who it was, the question though was why Rosalina was still awake. Surely all evers need their beauty sleep or whatever excuse they feel like pulling out their asses.

She turned over onto her side fully and watched through her window as she could see a shadow through the window. She watched for far longer than she would have liked as the teacher presumably sat down at a desk or something similar.

Her eyes started to close of their own free will as she finally watched the shadow move and close the curtains, she was asleep in the next few moments with images of the ever flowing through her mind.

Even as she woke up she turned over onto her back and the images of the blonde were still in the forefront of her mind. She sighed as the covers were thrown off of her and she just sat at the side of her bed with her head in her hands trying to cool herself down before starting her day.

She had eventually gotten dressed, brushed her hair and mentally prepared herself to see Rosalina at breakfast before she noticed the envelope sat on her bedside table with her name writing in cursive on the top.

Well, if she skipped breakfast then she could at least have a treat from her favourite ever. That seemed like a good idea to her so she threw the cane down on the bed before she sat down and picked up the envelope.

She hoped that it wasn't a negative reaction, she really didn't want to deal with judgement radiating from her fellow dean all day.

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