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The dean shook her head as she took the treat with a smile. "How long did it take you to notice that they were my favourites of your treats?"

The blonde flushed and chuckled. "Um, actually the first time I gave you one, you didn't hesitate and actually seemed to enjoy it, I put the pieces together."

Lesso chuckled, of course she was able to read her easily.

The teacher looked away from her for a few moments before looking back when Leonora had already taken a bite. "Listen, Lesso, I need to talk to you about something. If you don't mind, of course."

The dean raised her eyebrow before swallowing her mouthful. "About what? We have a staff meeting later, can it wait until then?"

Rosalina took a step forward and Lesso swallowed. "No, we have an hour until school starts and I want to talk to you now otherwise I'll be worrying and nervous all day."

The redhead took a step back. This was bad, she knew, she definitely knew and was going to confront her. "Well, Rosa, make it quick. I only came here for a book and I need to be back in my classroom on time."

Rosalina took another step forward and Leonora hit the table in the centre of the room with a small gasp. "Lesso, I... sent a letter to Emma yesterday and she sent a response back that made me realise something."

Lesso began to panic. She knew, Anemone had told her and now their friendship was gone. She turned her head away from the bright blue eyes. "Really now? What did you realise? That you're blonde?"

At the laugh she received the dean smiled. Perhaps their friendship wasn't entirely ruined.

The teacher looked at her with a smile. "I do enjoy your sarcasm but no, I have something more... serious I have been told to talk to you about."

Even worse, Clarissa had spoken to her. That's why she was so adamant that she talked to her today, she had already told Rosalina about how she felt so that she couldn't run away and ignore her feelings.

Nobody would find her corpse when she was done with her.

Then the teacher reached out and touched her cheek to turn the dean's face so that grey could meet blue and she flushed. The dean of evil fucking flushed from one delicate touch and she hated it.

Rosalina chuckled. "You know, when I first found out I thought that I had been cursed, I thought that these feelings were unnatural because they went against the natural order of things. I wanted to get rid of them."

Great, she got her hopes up for no reason, she didn't want Leonoras attraction to her and of course she thought it went against the natural order. They were an ever and a never and not to mention two women. It was unnatural and... wrong.

The teacher moved forward and darkly chuckled. "Then my mind tried to trick me into believing that a witch cant feel attraction or romantic feelings or even... love. I thought that what I had been told was a lie and that you couldn't possibly... heh."

Could she just stop, she could already feel her tears starting to threaten their escape. She didn't need to hear what she already knew. Why was she doing this?

Rosalina tilted her head and looked at the dean with a gentle smile that had her melting. "Then I thought about it. It's true that I've felt like this before but never to this intensity, just the thought of you is enough for me to become a flustered mess. I don't know when these feelings started but... I don't really want them to stop."

The redhead stopped her thoughts in their tracks. What? Was she talking about herself? That can't be right, she wasn't a witch, she might have taught spellwork, had a wand, had incredibly powerful magic, known too much about herbs and plants to be considered normal but she wasn't a... oh, she was the witch she was talking about.

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