Dear Leonora

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This is something that I really didn't expect from you, this is honestly both shocking and incredible.

The dean of evil has feelings for someone, not just someone but an ever. Rosalina of all evers. I am certain that this has to do with the way that you two have gotten quite close. All of the ever staff have noticed how she seems too attached to you.

Emma even tried to set up a bet to see how long it would take one of you to say you like the other, bets aren't exactly ever style so it was shut down, she would be quite rich now if it had gone forward. With the amount of bets she would have won if they had gone forward I am starting to think she is a seer.

You need to talk to her about this, I have a good feeling about it. Even if she did pull you apart during that meeting, I feel as if her opinion has changed. She seems to enjoy your presence, she speaks about you when you're not around and even asks how you are when I get back from meetings with you.

Now, I'm not exactly experienced in things like this but I would assume that it means that she also feels something more than platonic feelings for you.

I do hope that you were planning on confessing your feelings Rosalina to me and then ignoring them which then causes me to sit and watch as your relationship carries on as if you feel nothing.

You had better not sit there practically fondling her in her lap while I'm forced to watch knowing what you feel. I know that you take pride in being evil but even you wouldn't do that. I will not allow it.

So, you will go and talk to her, tell her how you feel, you will run away and you will tell me what happens because i do not plan sitting in bed tonight worrying to myself. I may be a fairy godmother but I still have a few tricks up my sleeve should I need to use them.

I do hope you have a pleasant day and I hope you actually speak to her.

A very annoyed dean,


Leonora rolled her eyes. Of course she only focusses on Lesso doing something that she absolutely could do and had done in the past.

How dare she.

She picked up her cane and threw down the letter before slamming her child beater on the floor in annoyance. Then her eyes looked through her window to see Rsoalina's room was being lit up from inside. Odd.

Share shrugged and walked away from the bed and toward the door with a frown. Thai was going to be a horrible day, truly drab and lengthy. Why did she send that letter? Oh right, validation of her feelings, that thing that she needed to function like a regular human being.

Just walking down the corridor to the front of her school felt like it was dragging on for years, she picked the tower because she wanted to feel special and now her feet felt like they were detached.

She hated her choice almost as much as she hated herself and that was a fucking achievement.

She just had to get across the bridge without jumping off it and to the other school without beating any ever students, up the stairs without throwing herself down them and the library.

Simple enough.

As she pushed open the library door she noticed a flash of purple and almost sighed openly, it was far too early in the morning to be dealing with the object of her desires. However, as she went to go for the library doors she heard the door click locked.

As she was about to summon her magic into her finger glow she heard the faint sound of heels clicking behind her. She turned to find Rosalina looking at her while holding out a raspberry tart with a smile.

"Here, you weren't at breakfast and I'd prefer it if you didnt drop dead on me."

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