Chap.7 where have you been?

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⚠So everyone are alive, the story may or may not contain some oc's⚠

(......) I talk

(......) Quotes of the characters / Oc

(???~ ...) Characters / Oc are talking


"I look at the sacrifice Belle made for her father and ask myself 'would I be able to do the same?'." From bethel grove


when he was in the garden both of takemichi and chifuyu precipitaired into the garden and to their surprise there was Brownie, alone without akio in the garden. even brownie understood that they both were worried of where is akio, takemichi father

Takemichi~ Brownie??? where is father??? 

Chifuyu~ Takemichi calm down!! it's not like it's gonna answer you..

Takemichi~ I know! i know that brownie ain't going to answer me...

but brownie at this moment tried to make takemichi coming with him, and takemichi undersood it

Takemichi~ BROWNIE TAKE ME TO WHERE IS HE!WHere my Father is!

and then brownie bow down so takemichi could ride him



Takemichi~ im going to take my father back home!! safe!

after  that he went on brownie they went direction to the castel. The paths were rought, the rainning was making it worst..brownie was tired. but takemichi was even more tired... what could have happen to his father? and why is brownie covering with scar?? what if something really bad happen to his father..


Some hours later they were finaly here at the castel, takemichi didn't understood at first. Why would his father would be in a castel in the first way?? he throught about it again and again, at the end he throught maybe that his father was hurt and someone took him their to treat him! yeah it could be something like that...

he went into the castel, at first he tried to call his father but there were no he tried to ask if someone was there, but also no one respond, he visited the castel while keeping calling his father, and then! he heard it, his father, he was here!he heard him! so he run in his direction.But why was it looking like a dungeon ?

Akio~ Takemichi!

Takemichi~ Father!!! where have you been??? are you hurt? what happened???

Akio~ i can't tell you..Takemichi run away! go home!! if IT find you it will be the end! don't let IT find you!!

Takemichi~Wh-what are you talking about?

Akio~It doesn't matter! just run away!! your aren't safe!

Takemichi~Let me help you first! i'm not going away from here without you!

???~Well...well....well.. you came to take him?

Takemichi~heh ? who is here?


Takemichi~WHat? what do you mean?

???~ it's already too late...

Takemichi~And who are you supposed to be?and why is my father on a dungeon?

???~well im the host of this castel.. and his my prisonner.




who is it???? what will happen??what will takemichi do?? what will chifuyu do?what akio is gonna do??? how will takemichi save his father??? what did "???" mean by "it's too late"??? 

Well you will know it in the next chapter!!


⚠Hey guys im so so so sorry i couldn't write before, my school is taking wayy to much of my time i have wayy to many homeworks and it's getting tirring to do anything so i sincerely appologize im going to try to write the in the week but  im not sure if i could but im going to write the weekends it's just exceptionaly that i didn't wrote friday because i was too tired ⚠

Hey !! It's my second story, if you are here because of my first story then HELLOOOO

hope you enjoy this story like the first one, or did you liked it?

sorry shorter chapter then usual i didn't really had any idea for it but don't worry soon you will have the next chapter!

but till it HAVE A GREAT DAY/NIGHT !! Little lector !

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