Chapter 2

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 It didn't take long for the moon-themed man to get all the kids under control, the others called him 'Moon' when all the kids were in sleeping bags, some have actual pillows while others use their arms as pillows. Once all the kids were asleep, he comes over to me. I'm sitting on the sleeping bag Mommy brought, knowing I'd need it, my arms wrapped around my legs. He walks over to me and kneels, tilting his head. 

 "What's wrong, little star?" He asks, his voice soft yet scratchy, and he takes a seat on my sleeping bag beside me, I shake my head in response to his question. "Sun told me you're new to the daycare," he says, I nod my head. "He also told me you didn't play with the other kids just before naptime, why is that?"

 I look around at the other kids, they're all asleep, "I- I miss Mommy," I whisper, he looks at the ground and then back to me.

 "It'll be alright, if you'd like, I can sing you a lullaby," he says, I nod my head slowly, watching as he gets up and squats beside my sleeping bag, giving me the space I need to lay down, he pets my head and starts to sing to me when my head hit the pillow. It didn't take long for me to fall asleep, especially with his soft voice keeping me calm.


 When I wake up, the lights are blaring down at me, and the sound of the others fills my ears; there's laughing, talking, and overall just loudness. I shoot up and look around, I see the sun-looking man walking over.

 "Hi friend, you're finally awake," he says, I nod and get out of the sleeping bag. There's an adult outside, another comes in a few minutes later and I look back to Sun. He's playing with some of the others, a few of the kids walk to the gate and a person from outside opens it, allowing the kids to go to their parents. After a little bit, all the kids left but me, the daycare is quiet, the only thing that can be heard is the sound of Sun's footsteps as he walks over to me. I'm sitting on the ground, fiddling with my fingers, Sun walks over and kneels.

 "Friend, how are you feeling?" He asks, I look up at him and do my best to keep from looking sad or mad. "Better?" He asks, I nod and he reaches a hand out for me, "how about, I bring you to the gift shop and we can get something for you to squeeze? I noticed you didn't like the other stress toys we have," I nod again and his smile brightens.

 "Let's go," he takes my hand and we walk away from the daycare, through a lot of doors, a long time of walking, and a lot of bright lights, we make it to the 'gift shop'. Sun brings me to a stuffie section and lets me pick what I like, looking over all the options, I like the mini Sun and Moon. I point to them and he chuckles, nodding, he grabs them and hands them to me.

 "Thank you," I whisper, bringing the stuffies close to me, he pays for them and- why does he have money? 

 "Let's head back," Sun says, and we make our way back to the daycare.

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