Chapter 3

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Luckily, it didn't take long for us to get back to the daycare, we also made it just before Mommy came. I look up for a second and see Mommy, she seemed happy when she saw me sitting in Sun's lap, with the plushies in my hands and having them dance around. Sun lets out a gasp and stands up with me in his arms, he walks to the doors before setting me down.

 "Here's your little sunlight," Sun says, lightly patting me on the back.

 "How was she today?" Mommy asks, I rush over and wrap my arms around her leg. She chuckles and Sun straightens his back, putting his hands on his hips.

 "She was wonderful, she was more open when it was just us," Sun said, kneeling and patting my head softly, I smile and nod my head, leaning into his touch.

 "Is there any chance of having you keep an eye on her on the weekends?" Mommy asked, Sun shrugged before answering.

 "Well, the daycare- as well as the pizzaplex is open all days-" 

 "So you have no time off?" I asked, looking up at him, he shook his head with a smile, kneeling in front of me and patting my head a few times. 

 "Honey, it's time to go home, come on, you can ask your questions tomorrow when we come back." Mommy picks me up and starts walking away, "also, where did you get these stuffies? Did you steal them? Sweetheart I told you-"

 "No, I didn't steal them, Sun and I went to the gift shop and he got them for me."

 "Well, that was very nice of him, wasn't it?" I nod while Mommy walks out of the building, the brightness of the up-lights makes my head hurt.

 "Mommy! The up-lights are too bright!" I whine, and she chuckles when I point up.

 "Darling, those are the street lamps, they're there so no one gets lost at night." She unlocks the car and puts me in my seat, I nod and she continues to talk. "If someone gets lost on the property somewhere and chose to be mean, they can sue the person who owns the property."

 "Really?" My eyes widen and she chuckles, closing the door before opening another and getting in the seat at the front with the weirdly shaped, black, hard donut. Mommy only let me sit in that seat once, and it was the best time ever! Other than today when I was playing with my stuffies, and maybe as fun as-

 "Darling, are you alright? You have your thinking face on," she laughs again, why does she keep laughing at me? Am I funny or is... Is Mommy being mean...? "Darling? What happened? You're all quiet all of a sudden, did I say something? Please tell me, honey, if you don't tell me, I can't help make it better."

 "Why are you laughing at me, Mommy?" I look up at her and her smile falls, worry clouds her face as she suddenly pulls the car from the road and puts us in a parking lot. She turns in her seat before getting out completely and opens my door, she then brings my to a store with more bright lights. "Where are we going?"

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