Chapter 20 Breakout

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***** so I'm a few chapters away from finishing the story so I need your help. Can you guys help me with any mistakes on the book, but please point them out nicely don't insult or say rude things.

Please and thank you*****

After the emotional rollercoaster that I had with my father we began to set up a plan to escape with horrible place. I did include saving Lucy too, don't think that I forgot about her. The plan isn't perfect, but it's all we got. So we're going with it.

I've noticed that every hour the same guard appears to check on the us. He has the keys on his left side which won't be to hard to take if the plan goes as planned. And Lucy well by Lucy's scent she is three doors down from ours which makes it much easier.

I nodded to my father who nods back and lays on the floor. The clock strikes seven and the guard enters to check on us.

I take a deep breath and begin, "Help, Help. Please!"

He ran to check on us, "what's wrong?"

"My dad. I think he's having a heart attack"

He opens the cell and runs to my dad. My dad as planned is holding his chest and making noises of pain.

The guard hasn't noticed I stood up. He is too busy helping my father. I feel bad for what I'm about to do but it must be done. In one swift move I break his neck. His body falls limp to the floor. I grab the keys and run to save Lucy. She sees me and runs up to me as I opening the door. I accept her hug.

"We have to go. Now!"

She nods and I turn. My father and Lucy walk behind me I make sure the halls are safe and that there are no rogues. The wolfsbane running through my veins causes an interference with my powers which causes me to be careful with every step.

I stop when I smell a familiar yet very unpleasant scent. I stick my head around the corner and see Megan I know she has smelled me because she is walking in our direction. I think quickly, We can't turn back I can hear footsteps coming from where we came.

What do I do now? I take the risk and go the way we were already going.

"Kirsten!" Megan seems surprised.

"What are you doing here?" I asked

"Well thanks to you Roy kicked me down and made me an Omega," she hissed.

"And just because of that you are betraying your pack!" I yelled at her.

"I don't care about that pack. Once the rogues take over there will be no Bloodmoon or Silvermoon pack anymore," she says with a smile.

I want to punch her, but the footsteps are getting closer, and the safety of Lucy and my dad is more important right not.

I push her to the side and begin to walk.

"How dare you touch me you filthy whore!" she exclaims.

"I have no time for you," I hiss.

She smiles at me and I who what she's about to do "Guards there over here gua..." I punch her knocking her out cold.

The footsteps have quickened, "run!" I yell to both of them.

"Where are they!" I hear people yell.

"They're over there!"

"They're almost out the doors!"

"Get them!" Someone yells and I know who it is without having to see who.

I can see the doors now. I turn to look at my dad and Lucy they are both too weak. I have to give them time to escape.

I reach for the doors and open them I make sure that no guard is outside, but I know they are all inside looking for us.

I let my father and Lucy go first.

"Dad listen to me," he stops and turns to look at me. "Go to the pack. Tell them where the place is..."

"Kristen I just got you back I can't lose you now," he said with tears pooling at his eyes

"Listen to me you have to g..."

"But Kristen-" Lucy interrupted

I got angry and I did what I had to do to save them, "Go now!" I used my alpha voice making them listen To my command instantly.

My father gave me one more worried glance but nodded. He took hold of Lucy's arm and together they began to run.

I just hope I give them enough time to run. In less than a minute the rogues arrived and surrounded me.

One rogue jumped at me and I kicked his head causing him to fall unconscious. Another jumped trying to attack me from the back, but I was able to dodge him before it was to late, yet his claw had managed to cut my left shoulder. Blood began to drip down my arm and onto the dirty floor. They all were ready to attack and I was ready to fight.

They were about to jump at me when a strong voice was heard, "Stop!" The person yelled.

The rogues moved to the side letting Steven pass. His face was emotionless, yet his eyes held a secret that I wanted to know.

"You can't do anything now. They're gone. Far from reach"

He laughed and so did the rest.

"What's so funny, huh?" I asked.

"Oh my dear, this was the plan all along," he smirked


"We knew you would help them leave. By doing so they will go to both packs and tell your mates. Your mates being the love sick pups they are will try to come rescue you. Only to fall into our little trap. You my dear will be the cause of all their deaths. It was so easy to fool you," he chuckled.

"No," I whispered and covered my mouth with my hand. Slid to the floor and couldn't believe my ears.

"Oh, but yes," he grinned.

I shook my head. This couldn't be? I'm sure it's a lie, or is it?

"Admit it my dear you are as bad as me, and bad as the rest of us," he said grinning

"No!" I yelled and ran up to him I wanted to slap him but he caught my hand.

"Please I beg you. Please have mercy"

"Oh I love it when they beg. I love it when you beg," he said it with a smirk. He leaned in and whispered into my ear, "just like your father did when I slit your mother's throat."

My eyes grew big and I slumped to the floor.

"Take her to the cells," he ordered. "And this time make sure she doesn't escape."

"You can't do this," I said.

"I can't take all the credit," he grinned. "You are helping by bringing them to me."

"You are not going to get away with this!" I yelled.

"Oh my dear I already did," he said as he turned and walked away.

A rouge grabbed my arms and dragged me to the cells. I had no fight in me anymore. All I knew is if hundreds of people die tomorrow it's going to be all my fault.

I don't have a plan this time and I don't know if I can save them. I wish my mother was here she would have the answers for all of this.

The rogue pushed me in the cell and locked the door behind me. I walked to the far corner of the small cell and fell to the floor. I brought my knees to my chest and finally I let the tears fall freely.

Here is the new chapter


Sorry for the long wait but now that it's summer it means I have more time to write and more updates for you guys. Yay!!!!

You can thank my friend Itzel for pushing me to update. Yay!





Love you all until the next chapter ✌❤

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