chapter 4 what a perfect reunion. not!

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“Come on Kirsty you can handle this"

"I'm trying Hunter"

"Come on give it your all"

"I... said.... I'm..... trying" I said out of breath.

"Oh come on Babe doesn't it feel good"

"Fuck you if you were in this position you would not be saying shit"

"Oh come on I know you like it"

"Like it my ass"

"I would like to see that" he said with a chuckle.

"Eww you perv. How long before we're finished?" I wanted to stop already I was freaking tired.

"Twenty more minutes"

"Twenty?" Are you kidding me my whole body is going to give up on me and I'm covered in sweat" I whined.

"Fine if you beat me in a fight you can stop training early"

"That's not fair you're an alpha with a lot of experience fighting"

Hunter woke me up early saying that I need to train just in case there is a rogue attack or I bump into my old pack again and if I'm in danger and I'm alone that I will be able to defend myself. We have been training for four hours and I am popped. Oh and get this he said he will be my personal trainer because he didn't want anybody to touch him woman not my words his.

"So if I beat you I can go and rest?" I asked.

"Yup," he said popping the p.

"Fine," I said shifting into my wolf.

'Ready Luna?' I asked.

'Lets show them what we got'

'You got it' I said with a grin.

"So It's going to be wolf to wolf then okay" Hunter said with a grin. I saw him shift to an all black wolf. Cool two rare wolf fighting against each other this will be interesting.

"Ready kitten" Hunter said.

Oh he is so going down. One thing I learned when I would see my old pack train was never be the first one to attack instead play with you opponent's mind.

I gave Hunter a wolfy grin and ran to him but instead of attack I jumped over him. I think I did mix him up because he turned to me and I think he was thinking of what the hell just happened he tried to strike but I could tell he was thinking of what had I done.

That gave me time so I ran to him with all my force and pushed him to the wall he hit it hard. I thought he blacked out but he stood up like nothing. I pinned him down and growled in his face.

He gave me a wolfy grin and flipped us over his paw on my neck and showing his canine teeth. I got angry and kicked him with my hind legs sending him flying to the other end of the room. He hit some of the weights that were there. He gave of a small yelp I ran to him and made sure he was okay.

He pushed me down pressing down on me. Well I did one thing again I licked him and I knew the impact I get when I do that to his wolf.

He stopped fighting and looked at he tilting his head to the side. It gave me a chance so I pinned him down and snapped at him. I pushed down at his throat I knew if I hold it there for ten seconds he would pass out.

But I didn't want him to pass out I just wanted him to know I won this fight. Two seconds were left and I let him go. I shifted and wrapped a towel around myself.

"Shift," I ordered

"I let you win," Hunter said mumbling.

"Sure you did," I said with a chuckle.

His painful rejectionWhere stories live. Discover now